- #!/usr/bin/python
- f=open(‘wordlist’, ‘w’)
- def xselections(items, n):
- if n==0: yield []
- else:
- for i in xrange(len(items)):
- for ss in xselections(items, n-1):
- yield [items[i]]+ss
- # Numbers = 48 – 57
- # Capital = 65 – 90
- # Lower = 97 – 122
- numb = range(48,58)
- cap = range(65,91)
- low = range(97,123)
- choice = 0
- while int(choice) not in range(1,8):
- choice = raw_input(”’
- 1) Numbers
- 2) Capital Letters
- 3) Lowercase Letters
- 4) Numbers + Capital Letters
- 5) Numbers + Lowercase Letters
- 6) Numbers + Capital Letters + Lowercase Letters
- 7) Capital Letters + Lowercase Letters
- : ”’)
- choice = int(choice)
- poss = []
- if choice == 1:
- poss += numb
- elif choice == 2:
- poss += cap
- elif choice == 3:
- poss += low
- elif choice == 4:
- poss += numb
- poss += cap
- elif choice == 5:
- poss += numb
- poss += low
- elif choice == 6:
- poss += numb
- poss += cap
- poss += low
- elif choice == 7:
- poss += cap
- poss += low
- bigList = []
- for i in poss:
- bigList.append(str(chr(i)))
- MIN = raw_input(“What is the min size of the
word? “)- MIN = int(MIN)
- MAX = raw_input(“What is the max size of
the word? “)- MAX = int(MAX)
- for i in range(MIN,MAX+1):
- for s in xselections(bigList,i): f.write(”.
join(s) + ‘\n’)
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