一旦你定义了窗体,就需要一些数据成员,一个构造函数和一些事件句柄。我会依次向您阐释Windows Forms和C#。首先是基本的数据成员,一个tic-tac-toe板。Tic-tac-toe游戏的数据包含了一个表示游戏板的3*3的矩阵数组。这个游戏定义了一块板的格子。
- public struct BoardSpace {
- public BoardSpace(Mark mark,
- int left,
- int top,
- int right,
- int bottom) {
- // Initialize internal state?
- }
- public void SetMark(Player player) {
- // if the space is blank, mark it using
- // the player enumeration
- }
- public void Render(Graphics g) {
- Pen pen =
- new Pen(Color.FromARGB(170, Color.Black), 3);
- switch(m_mark) {
- case Mark.XMark:
- g.DrawLine(pen, m_left, m_top, m_right,
- m_bottom);
- g.DrawLine(pen, m_left, m_bottom, m_right,
- m_top);
- break;
- case Mark.OMark:
- int cx = m_right - m_left;
- int cy = m_bottom - m_top;
- g.DrawEllipse(pen, m_left, m_top, cx, cy);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- public Mark m_mark;
- public int m_top, m_left, m_right, m_bottom;
- };
- public struct TicTacToeBoard {
- BoardSpace[,] m_BoardSpaces;
- public void Initialize() {
- m_BoardSpaces = new BoardSpace[3,3];
- // Initialize each space with a location on the screen and a
- // blank mark.
- // Here‘s the first space:
- m_BoardSpaces[0, 0] = new BoardSpace(Mark.Blank, 1,
- 1, 50, 50);
- // Do the rest like that?
- }
- public void ClearBoard() {
- // loop through the spaces clearing them
- }
- public Player EvaluateGame() {
- // Check adjacent marks and see who won.
- }
- public Positions HitTest(int x, int y, Player player) {
- // Test the incoming Coords and mark the right space
- // using the player enumeration
- }
- public void Render(Graphics g) {
- Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromARGB(170,
- Color.Black), 5);
- g.DrawLine(pen, 1, 50, 150, 50);
- g.DrawLine(pen, 50, 1, 50, 150);
- g.DrawLine(pen, 1, 100, 150, 100);
- g.DrawLine(pen, 100, 1, 100, 150);
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- m_BoardSpaces[i, j].Render(g);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- public class CSharpTicTacToe : Form {
- public Player m_Player = Player.XPlayer;
- TicTacToeBoard m_board = new TicTacToeBoard();
- public CSharpTicTacToe() {
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
- Size = new Size(500, 500);
- Text = "CSharp Tic Tac Toe";
- m_board.Initialize();
- //Finally add a button so that we can render to a bitmap
- Button buttonRestart = new Button();
- buttonRestart.Size=new Size(100,50);
- buttonRestart.Location=new Point(300,100);
- buttonRestart.Text="Restart";
- buttonRestart.AddOnClick(new EventHandler(Restart));
- this.Controls.Add(buttonRestart);
- }
- //Fired when the restart button is pressed
- private void Restart(object sender, EventArgs e) {
- m_Player = Player.XPlayer;
- m_board.ClearBoard();
- this.Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
- base.OnMouseDown(e);
- Positions position = m_board.HitTest(e.X, e.Y, m_Player);
- if(position == Positions.Unknown) {
- return;
- }
- if(m_Player == Player.XPlayer) {
- m_Player = Player.OPlayer;
- } else {
- m_Player = Player.XPlayer;
- }
- this.Invalidate();
- }
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
- Graphics g = e.Graphics;
- e.Graphics.SmoothingMode =
- SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
- g.FillRectangle(new
- SolidBrush(Color.FromARGB(250,
- Color.White)), ClientRectangle);
- m_board.Render(g);
- }
- public static void Main() {
- Application.Run(new CSharpTicTacToe());
- }
- }
- }
包含了Windows Forms应用程序的初始化代码。注意这个过程就是初始化游戏板,创建一个Reset按钮和其事件句柄,然后截获MouseDown和Paint事件。
大部分的时间,响应事件就是重载(override)正确的函数。例如,游戏要响应MouseDown事件(通过把鼠标的位置交给板来处理)和Paint 事件。当它生成了事件,系统就会自动的调用。你还可以为非系统的、用户定义的事件如按钮被按下而手工关联事件句柄。该游戏也可以创建一个Reset按钮来处理清除游戏板的事件。
Windows Forms编程最基本的就是基于用户界面,请求你来绘制屏幕的过程。Windows Forms定义了一个捕获WM_PAINT消息的良好方法。Form类包含了一个名为OnPaint()的函数来让你重载。通过重载这一方法,你可以捕获绘图事件并在屏幕上做你想做的。看一下例程的源代码,你会注意到Paint事件的参数包括一个Graphics对象,它类似于SDK编程时的一个设备上下文。Graphics对象包括了画线和图形、填充区域以及任何你想在屏幕上做的。
Tic-tac-toe游戏通过让游戏板自绘来响应Paint事件。如果你在例程中看一下TicTacToeBoard类和BoardSpace类,你就会发现每一个类都有一个Render()函数来使用Graphics对象的DrawLine()和DrawEllipse()方法在屏幕上绘图。Windows Forms和C#的强大地方就在于你不必考虑管理GDI类型的资源,因为。NET Framework为你做了。
Windows Forms也提供给你很多的可行性,包括在Windows 窗体上添加菜单和图标,显示对话框和捕获Paint和MouseDown事件以外的大量事件。以上介绍Windows Forms和C#的强大。
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