

创新互联建站专注于申扎网站建设服务及定制,我们拥有丰富的企业做网站经验。 热诚为您提供申扎营销型网站建设,申扎网站制作、申扎网页设计、申扎网站官网定制、重庆小程序开发服务,打造申扎网络公司原创品牌,更为您提供申扎网站排名全网营销落地服务。

1. 网站基本信息准备:在进行网站的SEO优化前,要先准备好相关的基本信息,如根域名、主体内容、访问量及流量来源情况。

2. 关键词选取:根据用户习惯以及市场调研数据对关键词进行初步选取。要注意不能使用过于单一的关键词而是要尝试使用多个相关性弱的关键字来扩大影响力。

3. 搜索引擎优化:对已选中的关键字进行SEO优化工作,将文章中心思想围绕在所选中的关键字上。合理布局文章内部标题以便于被正常解释并下载到本地数据库中去。

4. 社会化媒体利用: 通过很多高人气度的得分来吸引大量流量, 如Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube 等; 这些都是很好的方法来吸引海量流量;

5. 外部新闻发布: 通过PRNewswire , PRWeb , BusinessWire 等新闻发布机 构将新闻/信 息/博客/图片/影片 各方位告诉大众; 这也是一个不 错 的方法来吸引看客;

6. SEO 本地化 : SEO 本地化时代已然到来 ; Google MyBusiness (GMB) / Bing Places for Business / Yahoo Local Listings / Yelp / Foursquare etc . 虽然没有明显效益 , 但是能够助力 SEO ;

7. 其他 : Adwords PPC ( Pay Per Click ) & Remarketing Ads , Email Marketing & Newsletter Campaigns , Content Syndication & Distribution Networks etc .

8. 测评&监测 : 适时测评&监测 SEO 活动效能 ; Google Analytics (GA) & Webmaster Tools (GWT) are the best tools to measure your website performance and track user behavior on your site .

二、百度SEO之实战——《Baidu Search Engine Optimization Operation Brief Process》

1. Baidu Account Setup: Before you start any optimization work in Baidu search engine, you need to setup a Baidu account firstly with all necessary information filled in correctly and verified by phone number or email address as required by Baidu system rules and regulations .

2. Keyword Research: After setting up the account successfully, then it’s time to do keyword research based on market survey data and user habits analysis so that we can select some proper keywords which have good potential of being searched frequently but not too competitive at same time .

3 Title Tag Optimization: The title tag is one of most important elements when optimizing webpages for search engines like Baidu since it will be displayed directly in SERP results page as well as browser tab bar after users click into our webpage from SERP result list . So make sure that the title tags are optimized properly with relevant keywords included inside them without exceeding maximum length limit set by different browsers such as Chrome or Firefox etc..

4 Meta Description Optimization: Similar to title tag optimization process mentioned above, meta description should also be optimized carefully with related keywords inserted inside them while making sure they don’t exceed maximum length limit set by different browsers either so that users can get an idea about what content they will find if they click into our webpage from SERP result list before actually doing so ..

5 URL Structure Optimization: URLs play an important role when it comes to ranking higher in search engine results pages since they help crawlers understand better about what kind of content is available on each page thus helping us rank higher than competitors who didn’t optimize their URLs properly ..




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