
一、robots文件的作用1. robots文件是搜索引擎蜘蛛(Robot)在网站上进行爬取时遵守的一个协议。robots 文本应该包含User-agent字样:


1. robots文件是搜索引擎蜘蛛(Robot)在网站上进行爬取时遵守的一个协议。


2. 它能够告诉搜索引擎哪些页面可以被爬取,哪些不能,也就是说它允许我们对搜索引擎机器人进行权限分配。

3. 通过robots文件我们可以显式地声明要隔离出去的目录或者文件,否则会浪费大量带宽耗时把不必要的内容都加入到数据库中。

4. 此外robots文件还能够帮助你将特定页面标注为“noindex”, 这样就不会出现在Google 等搜索引擎中。


1. 首先要正确生成并放好robots文件: robots 文本应该包含User-agent字样, User-agent字样之后是*(通配)代表所有机器人; Disallow字样之后是想要隔离出去的相对URL; Allow字样之后是想要允许通行的相对URL; Sitemap 字样之后是sitemap 的url地址。

2. 对已有内容重写: 有时因为前端代理问题, 某些内容会造成重复, 这时就可使用Disallow来避免重复内容出来影响seo效果;

3. 针对版规保留版权信息: 有很多版权信念都会针对性地使用Allow/Disallow方法将版权信念隔集出去;

4. 针对404 Not Found : 404 Not Found也会造成seo问题, 这时也可使用Disallow方法将404 Not Found隔集出去; 5 . 加速Crawl Rate : Crawl Rate即下一此crawler扫回web server所耗时時間 , 大部分search engine crawler都依循robot protocol , robot protocol裡包含Crawl Delay , Crawl Delay即crawler delay time , search engine crawler依循delay time來調整crawler rate ; 6 . Robots Meta Tag : Robots meta tag與Robot Protocols意思已然極相近 , Robot Protocols舊機動protocols (HTTP 1 . 0 ) , Robots meta tag則舊HTML 4 . 0 standard裡meta tags element ; 7 . Nofollow Link Attribute : nofollow link attribute剩nofollow link attribute value ‘rel = nofollow' , rel = nofollow value告诉search engine crawlers不要傳遞link juice (PageRank) 給target page ; 8 . Canonicalization : canonicalization即canonical URL , canonical URL能幫助search engine crawlers正常indexing web pages by avoiding duplicate content issues and other SEO problems caused by multiple URLs pointing to the same page or resource on a website ; 9 . XML Sitemaps : XML sitemaps help search engines discover all of your site's pages quickly and easily so that they can be indexed properly in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). It also helps you keep track of which pages are being crawled and how often they're being crawled so that you can make sure your most important pages are getting indexed first.; 10.. HTTP Headers & Status Codes: HTTP headers & status codes provide additional information about a webpage such as its language encoding type, last modified date etc., which helps search engines better understand what kind of content is present on the page and whether it should be included in their index or not.; 11.. Structured Data Markup: Structured data markup is code added to HTML documents that provides more context about specific pieces of content on a webpage such as product reviews or ratings etc., which makes it easier for search engines to understand what kind of information is present on the page and how it should be displayed in the SERPs.; 12.. Image Optimization: Images play an important role in SEO because they help attract visitors to your website from image searches but if images aren't optimized correctly then they won't show up in image searches at all! To optimize images for SEO purposes you need to ensure that each image has an appropriate file name, alt text description and size before uploading them onto your website.; 13.. Page Speed Optimization: Page speed optimization involves making changes to both frontend code (such as minifying CSS & JavaScript files) as well as backend code (such as optimizing database queries) so that webpages load faster for users visiting them from different devices & browsers.; 14.. Mobile Friendly Design: Mobile friendly design ensures that websites look good when viewed from mobile devices such smartphones & tablets by using responsive design techniques like fluid grids & media queries etc., which allows webpages to automatically adjust their layout depending upon screen size without having any impact on usability or functionality





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