1. 了解原因:首先要分析网站的索引量下降的原因,可以通过Google Search Console或者Baidu Webmaster Tools来查看。如果是由于机器学习对内容评估不合格而导致的,就要及时修正内容问题。
2. 改善用户体验:在SEO中,用户体验是很重要的一部分。所以应该注意优化网站速度、界面布局、文字表达方式、多页流畅性以及其他影响用户体验的因素。
3. 建立外部连接:外部连接能够帮助将相关信息传递到相关人员手中;同时也能使得有效资源得到有效利用并激发出新想法。
4. 高质量内容: 精心准备好内容, 进行半个月至一个月左右的不断优化, 在此之前, 进行大量测试, 依然遵循 SEO 的原理; 听取大神们的意见, 改进不足之处; 最后上传并检测数据是否正常显示; 保障内容地狱永久性!
5. 多页SEO: 针对特定页面进行 SEO , 寻找物料权重集中地方 , 扩大权重集中地方 ; 针对物料标准化 , 进行标准化 ; 针对物料核心语义 , 进行核心语义 ; 针对物料代理人 , 进行代理人 .二、 网站索引量下降原因
1. 机器学习: Google/Baidu/360/Sogou 等主流引擎都已使用 AI (Artificial Intelligence) 技术作为其搜索引擎核心功能之一, AI 技术能够将 web page content(s) 作为 input data set(s), and then use machine learning algorithms to analyze the data sets in order to determine which pages should be ranked higher or lower in search engine results pages (SERPs).如AI不能正常评估web page content(s) :content quality issues such as keyword stuffing or duplicate content can lead to a decrease in SERP rankings for a website‘s pages due to poor evaluation by the machine learning algorithm used by the search engine.
2. 多页SEO : SEO optimization of multiple webpages on a single domain is essential for achieving high SERP rankings for all of those pages on that domain . If one webpage is optimized more than another webpage on the same domain it could result in decreased SERP rankings for that less-optimized webpage due to competition from its better-optimized sibling page .
3. 多页URL : Having too many URLs with similar content can also lead to decreased SERP rankings because it confuses search engines about which URL should be indexed and displayed first when someone searches using related keywords . This confusion leads them to index fewer URLs from your site overall resulting in fewer total indexed pages and thus lower overall visibility within their respective indexes .
4. 多页Title & Description : Titles and descriptions are important elements of any web page as they help inform users what each individual page contains before they click through from the SERPs . However having too many titles or descriptions with similar wording across multiple webpages can confuse both users and search engines leading them not only not knowing which title / description best describes each individual page but also potentially decreasing overall visibility if some titles / descriptions are deemed irrelevant by either humans or machines alike .
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