
在SEO中使用有助于将相对来说更多的流量分散到多个不同的搜索式关键字上:5. 具体方法五——Keyword Tool Dominator:


1. 长尾关键词的定义:指由3个或3个以上单词组成的搜索式关键字。这些关键字通常被视为“低竞争度”和“低流量”,因此可能不会马上吸引大量流量。

2. 长尾关键词的作用:在SEO中使用有助于将相对来说更多的流量分散到多个不同的搜索式关键字上,而不是集中在几个核心性的竞争性搜索式关键字上。


1. 具体方法一——Google Keyword Planner工具: Google Keyword Planner 是一个很好用并可以带来很多高质量信息和惊人内容创意 的工具, 其中包含大量有效而又能代表真实市场情况 的相应信息, 能够带来很好 的 SEO 技巧和方法。 使用这一工 具时, 您可以根据特定领域或者特定页 面去寻找相应的有效语义表达形式 , 例如 : “best + [product] + reviews" , "cheap + [product]" 等;

2. 具体方法二——Amazon Suggested Search: Amazon Suggested Search 是 Amazon 本身独特而易用 的功能之一 , 能够根 据前三十天内 Amazon 上所有人都在使用 的 keywords 自助生成 keyword list . 这是一种很好理解并把 key words 天然化 (naturalize) 的方法 ;

3. 具体方法三——Answer the Public: Answer the Public (ATP) 是一种新型问答(Q&A) 机制 , ATP 适合追寻 long tail keywords . ATP 会针对特定页 面/topic/keywords/products/services etc., 自助生成 questions and answers related to that topic or product .

4. 具体方法四——Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest is a free tool created by Neil Patel which helps you find new keyword ideas based on what people are searching for in Google search engine . It also provides data about monthly searches and competition level of each keyword so that you can make an informed decision when selecting your target keywords;

5. 具体方法五——Keyword Tool Dominator: Keyword Tool Dominator is another great tool for finding long-tail keywords with low competition levels and high search volumes . This tool allows you to quickly generate hundreds of relevant long-tail keywords from any seed term or phrase;

6. 具体方法六 —— SEMrush : SEMrush is one of the most popular tools used by digital marketers today for researching and analyzing competitor websites as well as their own website's performance in organic search results . It also has a powerful feature called 'Keyword Magic' which helps users discover thousands of profitable long-tail keywords with low competition levels;

7. 具体方法七 —— Ahrefs : Ahrefs is another popular SEO tool used by many digital marketers today to research competitors' backlinks profiles as well as their own website's link profile . It also has a powerful feature called 'Content Explorer' which helps users discover thousands of profitable long-tail topics with low competition levels;






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