






在内容上:重要信息应集中表达,避免太多闲扯; 把重要信息集中地表达, 能使得由浅入深, 由易到难, 最大化地吸引住读者.

在标题上: 浩然构思一个独特耐人寻味的标题. 此时应当考虑“五W1H”(what/why/when/where/who+how) , 让标题能够勾勒出整篇文章大体内容.


在原创文章中书写时, 阅读者常常会逐字逐句地将所有信息都理解并接受. 这就是所谓"回忆" . 如何将连环相扣之间隐隐然然影响之间? 我们应当学会使用 "回忆工具", 例如 : 精神风尚高气昂 ; 天壤之别 ; 火龙飞舞 ; 神奈子般天真 ; 白皮书般华丽... ... 运用此工具 , 能够将原始材料装裱得华光闪耀 , 醒目生动 .


1) “三步”方法: 阅读-理解-整理; 2) “三C”方法: Clear (clear)-Concise (concise)-Correct (correct); 3) “三P”方法: Point out the problem - Provide solutions - Propose a plan of action; 4) “Three Ss Method": Summarize the main points - Support them with evidence and examples - Show how they are related to each other. 5) "Four Cs Method": Clarify your purpose - Collect relevant information - Construct an argument or story line – Conclude by summarizing your main points and drawing conclusions from them. 6)"Five Ws Method": Who is involved in this issue? What is the problem or opportunity? Where does it take place? When did it happen or when will it happen? Why is this important or why should we care about it? How can we solve this problem or capitalize on this opportunity?" 7)"Six Rs Method": Research – Reasoning – Relevance – Reflection – Recommendation– Results." 8)"Seven Ps Method": Problem statement– Purpose– Processes– People– Products– Performance measures– Plans for improvement." 9)"Eight Es Method": Explain what you want to do—Establish objectives—Examine alternatives—Evaluate options—Execute decisions—Evaluate results—Extend learning opportunities —Engage stakeholders." 10)"Nine Ms Model": Mission statement —Measures of success —Methods used —Milestones achieved —Metrics tracked —Management team members —Marketing strategies employed —Money spent and earned—"Moral compass". 11 )"Ten Ts Model:" Target audience -- Topic selection -- Tone -- Timeliness -- Type of content-- Technical accuracy-- Themes-- Tools used-- Tracking progress-- Testing results 12 )"Eleven Is Model:" Identify key issues -- Investigate facts and figures -- Illustrate ideas with stories and anecdotes -- Involve readers emotionally through vivid descriptions and imagery---Incorporate humor where appropriate ---Invite feedback from readers ---Integrate multimedia elements into content---Include interactive features such as pollsand surveys---Inspire readers to take action ---Implement changes based on reader feedback---Improve upon existing content 13 )"Twelve Ps Model:" Plan ahead for success----Prepare thoroughly before writing ----Present information clearly ----Provide useful resources----Promote actively----Proofread carefully-----Publish regularly------Participate in conversations-------Personalize messages--------Prioritize tasks---------Practice good etiquette 14 )"Thirteen Bs Model:" Brainstorm ideas -----Build relationships ------Be creative -------Be consistent --------Be concise ---------Be clear -------- Be accurate -------- Be timely --------- Be honest ------- Be passionate ------- Be professional ------ Build trust ------ Balance quality with quantity 15 )"Fourteen As Model":" Analyze data ----- Assess needs ----- Articulate goals ----- Attract attention----- Address concerns----- Appreciate diversity------ Acknowledge mistakes------ Anticipate objections------- Adapt quickly---------- Actively listen----------- Advocate change------------ Achieve balance------------- Aim high 16 ) "Fifteen Fs model":" Focus on user experience——Foster collaboration——Formulate strategy——Find inspiration——Follow trends——Facilitate communication—-Forecast outcomes—-Flexibility————Functionality————Feedback————-Future proofing————Fundamentals————————Fine tuning 17 ) "Sixteen Qs model":" Qualify leads––Quantify objectives––Question assumptions––Qualities needed––Questions asked––Quotations included––Quick wins identified––Quality control implemented‐‐Quantifiable metrics established‐‐Questions answered promptly−−Quotes verified accurately−−Quickly respond to customer inquiries −− Quality assurance processes followed −− Quantitative analysis conducted −− Questions addressed effectively −− Queries resolved efficiently 18 ) "Seventeen Ds model":" Define target market―Develop messaging―Discover insights―Design visuals―Deliver value―Demonstrate expertise ―Drive engagement ―Define KPIs ―Determine budget ―Distribute content ―Deploy tactics ―Document process―Direct traffic―Discern analytics Data mining Decision making Disseminating findings 19 )「Eighteen Us model」︰Understand users' needs─Uncover hidden problems─Utilize technology─Update frequently─Use storytelling─Unlock creativity──Undertake research──Uphold standards────User testing────Usability testing────Unique selling proposition 20 )「Nineteen NPs model」︰Narrow down focus ─Negotiate terms ─Network strategically ─Navigate challenges ─Notch up performance ─Normalize operations ─Nurture relationships│Name drop appropriately│Notice details│Novelty factor│




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