把真实用户作为准则来考量;再去Google Keyword Planner(GKP)中去寻找有效语感匹配、时效性好、流量大、难度不大(Competition)之间取舍;
1. 首先要明确目标用户——想要找到你们所服务对象是什么人? 回归初衷, 把真实用户作为准则来考量;
2. 进行市场调研——根据上一步得出来目标用户之后, 再去了解大众对该行业/产品/服务都怎么评价, 是怎么使用;
3. 筛选出有效关键词——然后依托前2步得出来信心十足之后, 再去Google Keyword Planner(GKP)中去寻找有效语感匹配、时效性好、流量大、难度不大(Competition)之间取舍;
4. 拟定文字方法——将上一步得出来之后内容进行文字化处理: a) Title Tag: 最好能够在60-70 characters内告诉Search Engine & User 这是一个什么样子b) Meta Description: 150-160 characters内告诉User 这是一个特别好&特别独特c) H1 Tag: 70-80 charactersd); Alt Texts for Imagese); URL Structuref); Content Writingg).
三、如何将关键词应用于Web Site上
1. 首先赋予资料库 —— 在WordPress中:a) All in One SEO Pack b ) Yoast SEO c ) Jetpack d ) Google XML Sitemaps e ); Rank Math f ).
2. 精心选取Title Tags —— Title tags (or page titles), are the most important elements of your website‘s on-page optimization and should be carefully crafted to accurately describe each page‘s content while also including relevant keywords that will help search engines understand what your pages are about and rank them accordingly.;
3. Meta Description ——Meta descriptions provide additional information about the contents of a web page and can be used by search engine algorithms to determine how relevant it is to a given query.; They should include relevant keywords but also be written in an engaging way so as to entice users into clicking through from the SERPs.; Additionally, meta descriptions should not exceed 160 characters or they may get truncated when displayed in SERPs.;
4. Headings & Subheadings ——Headings and subheadings are another important element of on-page optimization as they allow you to break up long pieces of text into smaller chunks which makes them easier for readers to digest., Additionally, headings can also contain targeted keywords which helps search engines better understand what your pages are about., It is recommended that you use only one h1 tag per page with multiple h2 – h6 tags depending on how much content there is., You should also make sure that all headings follow a logical structure so as not to confuse both readers and search engine crawlers alike..;
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