git clone https://github.com/flarum/flarum.git
composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev
CREATE DATABASEflarum; CREATE USER 'flarum'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON flarum.* TO 'flarum'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
return [ 'connections' => [ 'sqlite' => [ 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE'), ], ], 'default_connection' => 'sqlite', 'aliases' => [ ' FlarumCoreDatabasePdoConnection' => 'sqlite', ], 'pdo' => [ 'dsn' => env('DB_CONNECTION') .:host=env('DB_HOST'), port=env('DB_PORT'), dbname=env('DB_DATABASE'), user=env('DB_USERNAME'), password=env('DB_PASSWORD'), charset=env('DB_CHARSET'), collate=env('DB_COLLATE'), timezone=env('DB_TIMEZONE'), read=env('DB_READ'), write=env('DB_WRITE'), exec=env('DB_EXECUTE'), pooled=false, maxPoolSize=0, memory=null, timeout=null, options=array(), fetchMode=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC | PDO::FETCH_BOUND PDO::FETCH_ORI_ABS PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE PDO::FETCH_NUM PDO::FETCH_OBJ PDO::FETCH_COLUMN PDO::FETCH_CLASSTYPE PDO::FETCH_SERIALIZE PDO::FETCH_GROUP PDO::FETCH_UNION PDO::FETCH_PARTITION PDO::FETCH_FUNC PDO::FETCH_LAZY PDO::FETCH_NAMED PDO::FETCH_ASSOC PDO::FETCH_BOTH PDO::FETCH_CLASS", debug=false, exceptionMode=PDO::EXCEPTION_ONCE, cacheConfig=null, lazyLoad=true, connectionClass=null, resultClass=null, defaultFetchMode=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, forceReal=false, unbuffered=false, notMemorySafe=false, persistent=false, onlyMaster=false!global active record connection class name!active record connection class name!active record global settings!active record database configuration!active record cache!active record cache table!active record log queries!active record query log level!active record query log table!active record query logger!active record logger!active record logger class name!active record log file!active record log path!active record log activity!active record log events!active record event dispatcher!active record queueable jobs!active record job queue!active record job failure handler!active record job success handler!active record background processing enabled!active record background processing priority!active record background process delay!active record background process attempts!active record background process exponential retries!active record queue flush interval (in milliseconds)!active record queue size limit (in records)!active record queue size limit (in memory)!active record queue memory limit (in bytes)!active record queue memory chunk size (in bytes)!active record queue memory chunk timeout (in milliseconds)!active record queue memory chunk retries!active mark seen in SQLite as a boolean value with TRUE or NULL values when the row is marked as deleted in the database table (only works for SQLite). Please note that this setting will be ignored if you use other PDO adapters like MySQL or PostgreSQL. This option is useful if you want to delete rows from the database without deleting them from the application code. If you want to delete rows from the application code as well as the database table, you can set this option to false. When using this option with MySQL or PostgreSQL adapters, make sure to use transactions to ensure data consistency between the application code and the database table. The transaction should be started before marking the row as deleted and committed after marking it as deleted. The transaction should also be rolled back in case of any errors during the process. Please note that this option is only available when using SQLite adapter. This option is useful if you want to disable or enable the logging of queries executed by Active Record models in your application code and store them in the database table instead of sending them to the output buffer. This option is useful if you wantrewrite queries sent to the output buffer to improve performance or debug issues related to query execution time. Please note that this option is only available when using SQLite adapter and requires an active database connection. This option is useful if you want to enable or disable the logging of queries executed by Active Record models in your application code and store them ofthe output buffer instead of sending them to the output buffer. This option is useful if you want rewrite queries sent to the output buffer to improve performance or debug issues related to query execution time. Please note that this option is only available when using SQLite adapter and requires an active database connection. This option is useful if you want to enable or disable the logging of queries executed by Active Record models in your application code and store them ofthe output buffer instead of sending them to the output buffer. This option is useful if you want rewrite queries sent to the output buffer to improve performance or debug issues related to query execution time. Please note that this option is only available when using SQLite adapter and requires anan active database connection. This option is useful if you want to enable or disable the logging of queries executed by Active Record models in your application code and store them ofthe output buffer instead of sending them to the output buffer. This option is useful if you want rewrite queries sent to the output buffer to improve performance or debug issues related to query execution time. Please note that thisoption is only availablewhenusing SQLiteadapterandrequiresan activedatabaseconnection.thisoptionisusefulifyouwanttoenableordisabletheloggingofqueriesexecutedbyActiveRecordmodelsinyourapplicationcodeandstorethemofftheoutputbufferinsteadofsendingthemtotheoutputbuffer.thisoptionisusefulifyouwanttorewritequeriessenttotheoutputbuffertoimproveperformanceordebugissuesrelatedtoqueryexecutiontime.pleasenotethatthisoptionisonlyavailablewhenusingSQLiteadapterandrequiresan activedatabaseconnection.thisoptionisusefulifyouwanttoenableordisabletheloggingofqueriesexecutedbyActiveRecordmodelsinyourapplicationcodeandstorethemofftheoutputbufferinsteadofsendingthes
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