python 支持 “弱引用” 作为一类对象。具体来说,有两种直接实现弱引用的对象。第一种就是简单的引用对象,第二种尽可能地作用为一个原对象的代理。
int PyWeakref_Check(ob)
如果 ob 是一个引用或代理对象则返回真值。 此函数总是会成功执行。
int PyWeakref_CheckRef(ob)
如果 ob 是一个引用对象则返回真值。 此函数总是会成功执行。
int PyWeakref_CheckProxy(ob)
如果 ob 是一个代理对象则返回真值。 此函数总是会成功执行。
PyObject *PyWeakref_NewRef(PyObject *ob, PyObject *callback)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.
Return a weak reference object for the object ob. This will always return a new reference, but is not guaranteed to create a new object; an existing reference object may be returned. The second parameter, callback, can be a callable object that receives notification when ob is garbage collected; it should accept a single parameter, which will be the weak reference object itself. callback may also be None
. If ob is not a weakly referencable object, or if callback is not callable, None
, or NULL
, this will return NULL
and raise TypeError.
PyObject *PyWeakref_NewProxy(PyObject *ob, PyObject *callback)
Return value: New reference. Part of the Stable ABI.
Return a weak reference proxy object for the object ob. This will always return a new reference, but is not guaranteed to create a new object; an existing proxy object may be returned. The second parameter, callback, can be a callable object that receives notification when ob is garbage collected; it should accept a single parameter, which will be the weak reference object itself. callback may also be None
. If ob is not a weakly referencable object, or if callback is not callable, None
, or NULL
, this will return NULL
and raise TypeError.
PyObject *PyWeakref_GetObject(PyObject *ref)
Return value: Borrowed reference. Part of the Stable ABI.
返回弱引用对象 ref 的被引用对象。如果被引用对象不再存在,则返回 Py_None
该函数返回被引用对象的一个 borrowed reference。 这意味着应该总是在该对象上调用 Py_INCREF(),除非是当它在借入引用的最后一次被使用之前无法被销毁的时候。
PyObject *PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT(PyObject *ref)
Return value: Borrowed reference.
Similar to PyWeakref_GetObject(), but does no error checking.
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