
Instagram) 进行文字/图片/视频/H5形式的信息发布与互动;使用Google Adwords / Baidu PPC / WeChat Ads / Weibo Ads 等方式进行广告投放;


1. 内容优化:制定有效的关键词策略,根据相关行业调研及市场营销情况,选准合适的关键词进行文章优化。


2. 站外优化:寻找并构建外部链接来引流量到网站上。如友情链接、博客园、门户网站介绍、微博间接引流量。

3. 技术优化:保证网站代码正常运行,避免出现404 Not Found 页面不存在的情况。

4. 社交媒体营销: 利用各大平台(如Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 进行文字/图片/视频/H5形式的信息发布与互动; 使用Google Adwords / Baidu PPC / WeChat Ads / Weibo Ads 等方式进行广告投放; 使用Youtube / Youku 进行视频制作与发布; 利用微信小店或者是Taobao Shop 进行零售业务; 使用Wechat Moments 或者是QQ Zone 进行人气扩散; 在App Store & Google Play Store中进行APP应用上传&下载量培养…etc.

二、SEO 每天都要做什么工作?

1. SEO相关数据分析: 首先追踪SEO性能,看看本周/本月跟去年各时段之间的对标情况,然后将波动明显考察一边原因,依此来思考如何去优化SEO效益。

2. SEO Keyword Research: 针对不同时段截止前7-14天之间Top 10 keywords (Search Volume > 1000) ,根据Keyword Difficulty Score (KDS), Page Authority (PA), Domain Authority (DA) ,Trust Flow (TF) ,Citation Flow(CF) 等五大因子来选出10-20个keywords list ;然后将list中keywords 深度分割成long tail keywords list .

3. SEO Content Optimization : 针对Content Optimization 有三大方法 : a). On page optimization b). Off page optimization c). Technical optimization .On page optimization 大多针对title tag , meta description tag , H1 tag , ALT text of images and internal link structure etc.;Off page optimization 大多针追加backlinks from high quality websites ;Technical Optimization 大多针追加sitemap file to search engine console and robots txt file to website root directory etc.. 4. Social Media Marketing : 在Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., post content regularly with proper hashtags and @mentions in order to increase brand awareness and engagement rate .Also use paid ads on these platforms for better reachability . 5. Link Building : Find relevant websites or blogs which have higher domain authority than your own website's domain authority and try to get backlinks from them by guest blogging or other methods like broken link building technique etc.. 6





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