
API598 English Version Language Edition

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API598, also known as the API Standard 598, is a significant specification for valve inspection and testing developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API). The standard is designed to ensure the quality and reliability of valves used in critical applications, particularly in the petroleum and natural gas industries. This document focuses on the English version of the API598, which is officially titled "API Standard 598: Valve Inspection and Testing."

Overview of API598 English Version

The English version of API598 provides comprehensive guidelines for the manufacture, inspection, testing, documentation, and marking of various types of valves. It outlines the requirements for both new and existing valves, including gate, globe, check, and relief valves among others. The standard is divided into several sections, each detailing specific aspects of valve testing and inspection.

Section 1: General Requirements

This section introduces the scope of the standard, defining key terms and establishing the applicability of the standard to different types of valves. It also specifies the responsibilities of the manufacturer and the user in ensuring compliance with the standard.

Section 2: Documentation and Marking

Here, the standard mandates that all valves must be properly documented and marked according to the specifications laid out. This includes information such as the manufacturer's name, model number, pressure class, and body material.

Section 3: Inspection and Testing

This is the core section of API598, detailing the inspection and testing procedures for valves. It covers visual inspection, hydrostatic testing, shell pressure testing, seat tightness testing, and operating tests. Each test has its own set of criteria for passing, ensuring that only valves meeting the highest standards are certified.

Section 4: Acceptance Criteria

This section outlines the criteria for accepting or rejecting a valve based on the results of the inspection and testing. It provides clear guidance on what constitutes an acceptable flaw or defect versus one that requires rejection.

Section 5: Special Requirements

For valves with unique design features or intended for special services, this section offers additional requirements that must be met. It ensures that even specialized valves adhere to the same level of quality and safety as standard valves.

Section 6: Quality Assurance

The final section delves into quality assurance measures, ensuring that the manufacturing process consistently produces valves that meet the requirements of API598. It includes guidelines for record keeping, auditing, and continuous improvement.


Q1: What does API stand for in API598?

A1: API stands for American Petroleum Institute, which is the organization that develops and publishes the API598 standard for valve inspection and testing.

Q2: Is API598 only applicable to new valves?

A2: No, API598 is applicable to both new and existing valves. It provides guidelines for the inspection and testing of valves regardless of their age, ensuring that they continue to meet the required standards throughout their service life.




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