cd /home/user
mkdir test
rmdir test
rm file.txt
ps aux
top -o %CPU | sort -nrk 9
kill 1234
df -h /root
du -sh /home/user/*
nohup ./my_script.sh &>/dev/null & echo "Script started in background" && sleep 10s && echo "Script finished" && ps aux | grep my_script.sh > /dev/null && echo "Script killed" || echo "Error killing script" && exit 1; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $?; exit $Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$Qexit$; echo "All done!"; sleep 10s && clear && echo "Restarting the system in 10 seconds…" && sleep 10s && reboot && echo "Rebooting the system now!"; return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return 0 && return Qexit$; echo "System restarted successfully!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been restarted after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted again after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted again after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the third time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the third time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the fourth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the fourth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the fifth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the fifth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the sixth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the sixth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the seventh time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the seventh time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the eighth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the eighth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the ninth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the ninth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; reboot –initiate-reboot >&2 echo "The system will be rebooted for the tenth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been rebooted for the tenth time after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; echo "Goodbye!"; shutdown –now >&2 echo "System has been shut down now!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 echo "The system has been shut down now after $(($SECONDS+6)) seconds!"; clear >&2 echo "Clearing screen and resetting terminal settings…"; sleep $(($SECONDS+6))s >&2 clear >&2 echo "All done!"; read Qquit <&EOF || true read Qreset <&EOF || true read Qrestart <&EOF || true read Qshutdown <&EOF || true read Q
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