二、四大方法有效引导 搜 索 引 擎 抓 取 优 化 的 网 页 内 部 链 接
1. 连字形性URL: 使用连字形性URL(如-name)能够显著减少文件名中出现特定字符(如”?”, ”&”, ”=”)无意义的情况,以便让浏览器和相应已有标准协议能够正常工作。
2. 有意义标题: 为你的文章或者页面命名时应该避免使用难看或者不相关语句;考虑将文章标题作为URL中文件名部分来使用; URL中不应该包含特定字符(如"?","&","="); URL中不应该包含HTML代码; URL中不应该包含JavaScript代码; URL中不应该包含CSS代���; URL中不应诪包含Flash代��。3. SEO friendly URLs: SEO friendly URLs (Search Engine Optimization Friendly URLs)是一个SEO best practice, 这意味者你必须遵循Google Webmaster Guidelines条例去生成SEO friendly URLs, 这样才能促进你的website在search engine result pages (SERPs)上得到better ranking and visibility .4. Robots Exclusion Protocols :Robots Exclusion Protocols (REP), also known as robots exclusion standard or robots txt file is a text file that contains instructions for search engines crawlers on how to crawl and index your website content . It helps you control which parts of your website should be crawled by the search engine bots and which parts should not be crawled . This way , you can ensure that only relevant content gets indexed in the SERPs .三、 搜 索 引 擎 抓 取 的方法
1. Spidering :Spidering is one of the most common methods used by search engines to crawl webpages from different websites across the internet . The process involves sending out automated programs called spiders or crawlers to visit each page on a website , extract all its contents , store them in an index database and then follow any links found on those pages to other websites or webpages within the same domain name .2. Indexing :Indexing is another important step involved in crawling a webpage by a search engine bot . During this process , all information extracted from spidering will be stored into an index database where it can later be retrieved when someone searches for related keywords or phrases using a particular search engine query formulae such as Google's PageRank algorithm etc 3. Caching :Caching is another method used by some search engines like Google to speed up their results delivery time when someone makes a query request through their interface . When caching occurs , instead of retrieving data directly from its source every time someone makes a query request , cached versions of previously visited webpages are served up instead so that users get faster response times without having to wait for new data retrieval processes every single time they make queries
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