1. 关键词研究:关键词是SEO的基础,要想获得搜索引擎有效的流量,就必须以正确的关键词为准则进行内容优化。因此,在进行SEO优化之前,应当对相关市场及用户进行调查并搜集各方信息来分析出适合站内使用的关键字。
2. 网站建设及代码优化:标准的HTML代码能够大大加快文件下载速度并提升用户体验。考虑到不同浏览器对于CSS、JS文件书写格式上有所不同,因此在代码中应当避免使用特定浏览器独有的特性。
3. 正文内容优化: 丰富多彩、厚重考究、易于理解是好文章必备条件之一, 还要注意将重要信息如核心话题、相关事实都呈现出来, 针对不同人士也要作出相应友好性上的考量; 各部分间也要注意留有逻辑性, 便于人们理思想; 最后, 正文中就是要将所有重要信息都呈上去, 但既然是 SEO 优化 , 那么话不能光看外表 , 还得注意 HTML 样式 .
4. 外部连接: 外部连接(External Links)是 SEO 的三大因子之一 , 地位却不可小看 ; 如 Google PageRank (PR) 等 , 高 PR 站多高 PR 连 , 虽然没有显式声明 , 但 Google 咪咪眯眯地 " 看 " 地很赞 ! 此外 , 多高 PR 连也能带劲整个站 .
5. Sitemap : Sitemap 本来就是 XML 整理版 WebSite Map ;Google / Yahoo! / MSN Search Engine Bot (Robot) 都能"飞"到 Sitemap 阅读 ; Robot 本来就早已学会如何"飞", 何况 Sitemap ? Robot "飞"到 Sitemap ;Robot 本来就早已学会如何”飞”, 何况 Sitemap ? Robot “飞”到 sitemaps ;Robot 本来就早已学会如何”飞”, 何况 sitemaps? 6. Robots txt : robots txt 既然 robot “飞”去 sitemaps ;robotstxts 告诉 robot “去/不去/隐/显/……… ” ; robots txts 虽然没有声明 google pagerank (pr), pr0-10 …… etc., but it is a must for seo optimization ! 7. Title & Description : title & description are the most important factors in seo optimization ! they should be short and concise with keywords included to attract more visitors from search engine results pages (serps). 8. Alt Tag Optimization : alt tags are used to describe images on webpages and can help improve your website's ranking in search engines by providing additional information about the image or page content that may not be visible on the webpage itself. 9. URL Rewriting : url rewriting is an important part of seo optimization as it helps make urls easier to read and understand for both users and search engines alike which can lead to better rankings in serps as well as improved user experience when navigating through your website's content 10.. Social Media Marketing: social media marketing has become increasingly popular over recent years due to its ability to reach large audiences quickly and easily without having to spend too much money on advertising campaigns or other forms of promotion
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