package main import ( "fmt" "sync/mutex" "time" ) var counter int var mu sync.Mutex func worker() { for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { mu.Lock() counter++ mu.Unlock() time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) } } func main() { go func() { for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { mu.Lock() counter++ mu.Unlock() time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) } }() for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { go worker() } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) fmt.Println("Counter:", counter) }
package main import ( "fmt" "sync/RWMutex" "time" ) var counter int64 var mtx = &RWMutex{} var rwl = new(sync.RWMutex) // read lock is a wrapper of the write lock, so we can use it directly here. var writers int64 // number of writers currently holding the lock. This is used to avoid deadlocks when no one is writing. If this value becomes zero and there are readers waiting, then the writer should release the lock and allow some of them to proceed. We do that by decrementing the counter and checking if it's zero. If so, we unlock and call the next reader or writer to acquire the lock. Otherwise, we just wait for someone else to release it. This way we ensure that no one is stuck waiting for the lock forever. The downside is that this approach introduces some overhead because we have to check whether there are any writers or not before allowing a reader to acquire the lock. However, this overhead is usually negligible compared to the benefit of having multiple readers working concurrently without blocking each other. The advantage of using a read lock is that you don't need to worry about deadlocks as much as with a write lock since you can always release your read lock and reacquire it later without affecting the other goroutines. Also, you can have multiple readers at the same time which makes sense in many cases where you want to serve multiple clients simultaneously but only one needs to update the data (the writer). In such cases, you can have several readers reading from the same data structure while only one writer updating it. This reduces contention and improves performance. When all readers finish their work they can release their read locks and let other readers start working on the data again. This allows you to achieve high concurrency without having to use a write lock. You can also use a write-read lock if you need both read and write operations on a single resource but still want to optimize for reads more than writes. In this case you would use a read lock for most of the time and a write lock only when you need to modify the data. This way you can reduce contention and improve performance for reads while still allowing concurrent writes if necessary.
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