1. 确定目标:首先要明确自己的目标是什么,比如增加流量、提升用户体验、提升SEO排名等。这些都是优化的出发点。
2. 关注用户行为分析:通过对用户行为的分析来了解当前站内情况,找出问题所在并作出修正。
3. 把重心集中在有效转化上:不能只看流量而忽略有效转化。要将重心集中在如何使得有效转化尤其是购物车转化上去。
4. SEO优化: 需要对新闻内容进行SEO优化, 尤其是title, description, keywords 等meta tag 进行合理性处理; 对URL 进行合理性处理; 核心词的选取; 多页面之间存在正常的内部链接; 静态HTML 页面生成; robots.txt 放弃不想要indexing 的urls ; sitemap xml 生成 ; Google webmaster tools & Bing webmaster tools 进行site verification .
5. 加大对多媒体文件(图片/flash)的优化: 大大加强交互性, 有助于SEO , 例如alt tags , title tags , flash embedding code .
6. Web Analytics : 需要实时查看web analytics (Google Analytics / Omniture )来判断当前站内情况, 比如bounce rate , page views per visit , time on site etc., 这样才能有效地进行A/B testing .
7. A/B Testing : A/B testing (split testing) 来测试不同版本之间差异, 最好能使用multivariate test (MVT), MVT可以帮助你得到一个optimal version of the website or landing page that will maximize conversions and ROI .
8. Social Media Optimization : SMO(Social Media Optimization)也是一个很重要的方法来增加traffic to your website or blog from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter etc., by creating content that is shareable and engaging for users to interact with it in a positive way .
9. Mobile optimization : Mobile optimization is also very important as more people are using mobile devices to access websites now days so you need to make sure your website looks good on all types of devices including tablets and smartphones etc., this can be done by using responsive design techniques which makes the website look good on any device regardless of its size or resolution .
10 Content Marketing :Content marketing should also be part of your overall strategy when optimizing a website as it helps create valuable content that can attract visitors who are looking for information related to what you have published on your site thus increasing traffic and engagement levels over time .
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