


这个记录可以被其他安全软件使用,例如Intrusion Detection System(IDS)和Intrusion Prevention System(IPS),用于检测和防止恶意用户的攻击。此外,fllog记录也可以用于升级用户账户安全性,因为管理员可以根据记录信息强制用户更新密码或关闭不必要的服务。



“` fllog -u username-h passwordfile “`






1. 强制所有用户定期更改密码,以防止恶意用户通过猜测或暴力破解密码获取账户访问权限;

2. 在登录尝试失败次数达到一定阈值时,禁止用户登录,以防止恶意用户频繁尝试输入密码以获取账户访问权限;

3. 对于拥有高权限的用户,可以启用多重身份验证机制(如密钥对验证、双因素验证),以防止恶意用户伪造用户名和密码进行访问。


1. 防火墙:用于限制系统的入站和出站流量,以防止未经授权的访问和数据泄露。

2. IDS/IPS:通过检测和记录系统的网络活动,尽早发现和防止网络攻击。

3. SELinux(Security-Enhanced Linux):是一种基于Mandatory Access Control(MAC)的安全模型,用于对Linux系统进行强制访问控制。

Linux Fllog是保护账户安全的重要机制之一。它可以帮助管理员检测和限制恶意用户的行为,并进一步提高系统的安全性。除了使用fllog记录,管理员还可以采用其他安全工具和策略来保护系统。通过综合使用这些工具和策略,可以使系统获得更强的安全防护能力。


  • /var/log/syslog为什么是空” title=”ubuntu >/var/log/syslog为什么是空”>ubuntu >/var/log/syslog为什么是空

/var/log/syslog为什么是空”>ubuntu >/var/log/syslog为什么是空

Syslog is the general standard (IETF) for logging system and program messages in the Linux environment.

This service constitutes the system log daemon, where any program can do its logging (debug, security, normal operation) through in addition the Linux kernel messages.


1 service syslog start

2 /etc/init.d/syslog start



# Options to syslogd

# -m 0 disables ‘MARK’ messages.

# -r enables logging from remote machines

# -x disables DNS lookups on messages recieved with -r

# See syslogd(8) for more details


# Options to klogd

# -2 prints all kernel oops messages twice; once for klogd to decode, and

# once for processing with ‘ksymoops’

# -x disables all klogd processing of oops messages entirely

# See klogd(8) for more details




# set this to a umask value to use for all log files as in umask(1).

# By default, all permissions are removed for “group” and “other”.

In principle, the logs handled by syslog are available in the /var/log/ directory on Linux system:

# ls /var/log

acpidcron.1 maillog.rpmpkgs.spooler.3

anaconda.log cron.2 maillog.rpmpkgs.spooler.4

anaconda.syslog cron.3 messagessa squid

anaconda.xlog cron.4 messages.sambatallylog

auditcupessages.scrollkeeper.log vbox

boot.logdmesg messages.securewtmp


boot.log.gdmOracle-validated secure.Xorg.0.log.old

boot.log.httpd pm secure.YaST2

boot.log.lastlog ppp secure.yum.log


conmanmaillog rpmpkgsspooler

conman.oldmaillog.1 rpmpkgs.spooler.1

cronmaillog.2 rpmpkgs.spooler.2

where some of the logs are dumped under a subdirectory like cups, samba, httpd. Among the logs under /var/log the /var/log/messages is the most common one as the kernel / core system logs are held there. The kernel modules generally dumps there too. So, for problem diagnosis / monitoring the /var/log/messages is the primary log file to examine.


The logs are rotated every week (renaming the existing log to filename.number order):

# ls -l /var/log/messages*

-rwroot root 1973 Jun 10 15:07 /var/log/messages

-rwroot rootJun 6 04:02 /var/log/messages.1

-rwroot rootMay 30 04:02 /var/log/messages.2

-rwroot rootMay 23 04:02 /var/log/messages.3

-rwroot rootMay 14 18:29 /var/log/messages.4

Rsyslogd可以看作是syslogd的改良版,可通过man 8 rsyslogd查看详细信息。


/var/log/messages – Contains global system messages, including the messages that are logged during system startup. There are several things that are logged in /var/log/messages including mail, cron, daemon, kern, auth, etc.

/var/log/dmesg – Contains kernel ring buffer information. When the system boots up, it prints number of messages on the screen that displays information about the hardware devices that the kernel detects during boot process. These messages are available in kernel ring buffer and whenever the new message comes the old message gets overwritten. You can also view the content of this file using the dmesg command.

/var/log/auth.log – Contains system authorization information, including user logins and authentication machin that were used.

/var/log/boot.log – Contains information that are logged when the system boots

/var/log/daemon.log – Contains information logged by the various background daemons that runs on the system

/var/log/dpkg.log – Contains information that are logged when a package is installed or removed using dpkg command

/var/log/kern.log – Contains information logged by the kernel. Helpful for you to troubleshoot a custom-built kernel.

/var/log/lastlog – Displays the recent login information for all the users. This is not an ascii file. You should use lastlog command to view the content of this file.

/var/log/maillog /var/log/mail.log – Contains the log information from the mail server that is running on the system. For example, sendmail logs information about all the sent items to this file

/var/log/user.log – Contains information about all user level logs

/var/log/Xorg.x.log – Log messages from the X

/var/log/alternatives.log – Information by the update-alternatives are logged into this log file. On Ubuntu, update-alternatives maintains symbolic links determining default commands.

/var/log/btmp – This file contains information about failed login attemps. Use the last command to view the btmp file. For example, “last -f /var/log/btmp | more”

/var/log/cups – All printer and printing related log messages

/var/log/anaconda.log – When you install Linux, all installation related messages are stored in this log file

/var/log/yum.log – Contains information that are logged when a package is installed using yum

/var/log/cron – Whenever cron daemon (or anacron) starts a cron job, it logs the information about the cron job in this file

/var/log/secure – Contains information related to authentication and authorization privileges. For example, sshd logs all the messages here, including unsuccessful login.

/var/log/wtmp or /var/log/utmp – Contains login records. Using wtmp you can find out who is logged into the system. who command uses this file to display the information.

/var/log/faillog – Contains user failed login attemps. Use faillog command to display the content of this file. linux

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