Hidden in the Layers of the linux Operating system is a process called process management. It is the part that works on the system to handle CPU tasks and resources, allowing applications to run and be managed, while also keeping track of different types of processes. Thus, it is important to understand how process management works when stopping a process, in order to ensure that our system is being properly shutdown and maintained.
There are several ways of stopping a Linux process, depending on the type of process, but the two most popular methods are using the kill command and using a term signal.
For the kill command, it is a simple and essential command that is part of the Linux operating system. It works by sending a signal to the process, telling the system to stop the process. To stop a process with the kill command, you must type in the kill command followed by the process ID of the process. For instance, suppose you want to stop a specific process called “process 12”. You can first use the “ps” command to view the process list, then use the “kill” command to kill the process. The command would look like this:
kill 12
Another method to stop a Linux process is to use the term signal. In linux, the term signal is the process of sending a signal to the process to tell it to terminate. To use the term signal, first you need to use the “ps” command to get the process ID of the process that you want to stop, then you can use the following command line instruction to send the signal to the process:
kill -TERM PID
Where PID is the process ID of the process you want to stop.
In conclusion, using either the kill command or the term signal are both reliable and secure ways of stopping a Linux process. It is important to ensure that you have the process ID at hand before stopping a process, and make sure that the process is being properly shutdown and maintained.
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