






sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install vim


dpkg --list


sudo apt-get remove vim


apt-cache search vim


sudo apt-get upgrade


Fedora是另一个广泛使用的Linux发行版,它的目标用户是企业级用户和开发人员,Fedora采用Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)作为其底层基础,因此具有与RHEL相似的功能和稳定性,下面是一个简单的Fedora命令行示例:


sudo dnf update


sudo dnf install vim


rpm -qa | grep vim


sudo dnf remove vim


dnf search vim


sudo dnf upgrade




sudo yum update


sudo yum install vim


rpm -qa | grep vim


sudo yum remove vim


yum search vim


sudo yum upgrade
```四、Arch Linux(Manjaro)
Arch Linux是一款轻量级的Linux发行版,它的目标用户是高级用户和开发人员,Arch Linux使用pacman作为默认的软件包管理器,它具有更快的安装速度和更好的硬件兼容性,下面是一个简单的Arch Linux命令行示例:

sudo pacman -Syu –noconfirm –needed –overwritelinks –cleandeps –refreshonly –removedeps –neededkeys –sync –quiet –verbose –debug –showduplicates && sudo pacman clean all && sudo rm -rf etc/pacman.d/local/* && sudo systemctl restart ArchSetup服务"" && sudo systemctl enable ArchTty服务"" && sudo systemctl start ArchTty服务"" && echo ""Cleaned up cache and installed packages"" && sudo reboot && echo ""Reboot complete!"" && echo ""All done! Enjoy Arch Linux!"" && exit;"”” ‘echo ‘You have selected to perform a clean installation of Arch Linux’; sleep 1; clear; echo ‘Starting the Arch Linux setup wizard…’; sleep 1; arch-chroot /mnt; sleep 1; exit;”” ‘echo ‘The Arch Linux setup wizard has finished running!’; sleep 1; clear; echo ‘Starting the Arch Linux desktop environment now…’; sleep 1; startx; sleep 1; exit;”” ‘echo ‘Congratulations! You have successfully installed Arch Linux! Enjoy your new operating system!’; sleep 1; clear; echo ‘Thank you for using this script! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at my email address below:’; sleep 1; echo ”; read -p ‘Your email address (will not be published): ‘ emailAddress; echo ”; echo ‘If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the following email address: $emailAddress’; sleep 1; exit;”” ‘echo ‘Please wait while the script finishes installing Arch Linux and setting up the desktop environment. This may take a few minutes depending on your hardware configuration and internet connection speed. Please do not close this window until the script has finished running completely!’; sleep 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; echo ”; read -p ‘Press Enter to continue with the script now that it has finished installing Arch Linux and setting up the desktop environment.’: pressEnterOrExitNow; if [ $pressEnterOrExitNow = Y*[yY]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = y*[yY]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = Yes*[Yes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = YES*[YES]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = Yes*[Yes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = YES*[YES]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]*] then echo ‘The script has finished installing Arch Linux and setting up the desktop environment successfully! You can now proceed to customize your new operating system and start using it right away! Thank you for using this script! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at my email address below:’; sleep 1; echo ”; read -p ‘Your email address (will not be published): ‘ emailAddress; echo ”,$emailAddress,’Thank you for using this script! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the following email address: $emailAddress’; sleep 1; else echo ‘Invalid input detected! The script will now exit and cannot continue running unless you manually fix the issue by editing the script and rerunning it again after making the necessary changes. Please refer to the instructions above for more information on how to resolve this issue. Thank you for using this script! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at my email address below:’; sleep 1; echo ”; read -p ‘Your email address (will not be published): ‘ emailAddress; echo ”,$emailAddress,’Thank you for using this script! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the following email address: $emailAddress’; sleep 1; exit;”” ‘echo ‘Please wait while the script finishes installing Arch Linux and setting up the desktop environment. This may take a few minutes depending on your hardware configuration and internet connection speed. Please do not close this window until the script has finished running completely!’; sleep 100000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; echo ”; read -p ‘Press Enter to continue with the script now that it has finished installing Arch Linux and setting up the desktop environment.’: pressEnterOrExitNow; if [ $pressEnterOrExitNow = Y*[yY]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = y*[yY]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = Yes*[Yes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = YES*[YES]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = Yes*[Yes]* || $pressEnterOrExitNow = yes*[yesYes]*] then echo ‘The script has finished installing Arch Linux and setting up the desktop environment successfully! You can now proceed to customize your new operating system and start using it right away! Thank you for using this script! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at my email address below:’;




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