1. 合理选择CMS:在选择合适的CMS时,要考虑到它的可扩展性、易用性以及功能强大度。
2. 使用正版且最新版本:尽量使用正版软件并更新到最新版本来保证其安全性。
3. 根据需要进行相应优化:根据站点内容不同对整体布局进行相应优化,如:图片处理方式、CSS/JS代码书写形式;减少HTTP请求数量;避免页面中字体或者图片太大耗浪费带宽;将js/css代码集中在head部分,html代 码集中在body郭法。
4. 针对SEO作出必要的优化工作: 运甲SEO-friendly URL(URL Rewrite) ; 圣华title tag , meta description tag , keyword tags ; 添加alt text for images ;生成sitemap .xml file and submit to search engines ; 针寤Google Analytics code (or other tracking codes ) into the site template files .
二、Web Server & Database Optimization Suggestions
1. Web server optimization : Use a web server that is optimized for CMS applications such as Apache or Nginx with mod_rewrite enabled to support SEO friendly URLs . Configure caching mechanisms like memcached or Varnish Cache if available on your hosting platform in order to improve page loading speed and reduce database queries . 2..Database optimization : Make sure you have an efficient database structure by optimizing table indexes and query performance using tools like phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench .. Additionally use a separate database user account with limited privileges when connecting from your application code instead of using root access credentials ..
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