
Building a Redis Cluster with Ease: A Step-by-Step Guide


Redis is an open-source, in-memory database system that can be used as a caching layer or as a primary data store. One of the key features of Redis is its ability to form a cluster, which helps improve scalability, reliability and performance. In this article, we will walk you through the steps involved in setting up a Redis cluster with ease, using the English version of Redis.


Before we get started with setting up a Redis cluster, there are some prerequisites we need to meet:

1. Redis binaries: Ensure that you have downloaded Redis binaries on all the nodes. You can download the binaries from the Redis download page.

2. Network connectivity: All nodes in the Redis cluster should be connected to the same subnet as Redis uses TCP/IP protocols for cluster communication.

3. Redis configuration file: Ensure that the Redis configuration file is in the same path as the Redis binary. The default path for the Redis configuration file is /etc/redis/redis.conf.

Setting up the Redis Cluster

Step 1: Configure Redis on All Nodes

To configure Redis on all nodes, open the Redis configuration file using your favorite editor:

$ sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf

Set the config as below:


port 6379

cluster-enabled yes

cluster-config-file nodes.conf

cluster-node-timeout 5000

appendonly yes

Save and exit the file.

Step 2: Start Redis

To start Redis, run the following command on all nodes:

$ redis-server

Step 3: Create the Cluster

To create the cluster, run the following command on one of the nodes:

$ redis-cli –cluster create x.x.x.x:6379 y.y.y.y:6379 z.z.z.z:6379

Here, x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y, and z.z.z.z are the IP addresses of the Redis nodes.

Redis will automatically identify the other nodes based on the IP and port specified in the command, and prompt you to confirm the formation of the cluster. When prompted, enter ‘yes’.

You will see output similar to the following:

Creating cluster

Step 4: Verify the Cluster

To verify the cluster, run the following command:

$ redis-cli -c -h x.x.x.x -p 6379

Here, x.x.x.x is the IP address of the Redis node.

You should see output similar to the following:

x.x.x.x:6379>set foo bar

-> Redirected to slot [12182] located at y.y.y.y:6379


y.y.y.y:6379>get foo

-> Redirected to slot [12182] located at x.x.x.x:6379


If the output is similar to the above, then the Redis cluster is successfully setup.


Building a Redis cluster can seem daunting, but with the above steps, it’s quite easy. Moreover, the benefits of using a Redis cluster cannot be overstated. It offers a quick, easy, and efficient way to scale your Redis system, boost application performance, and improve reliability. So, go ahead and give it a try!





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