


1. 关键词优化:关键词是网站在搜索引擎中受到重视的因素之一,所以在建立或者修改网站时应当考虑如何选用合理的关键词。此外,还要注意不能使用过于宽泛的关键词,也不能使用太少或者太难理解的关键词。


2. 竞争对手分析:为了有效地优化SEO,必须对相同行业内部的竞争对手进行分析。可以根据他们使用的关键字、文字风格、内容布局来思考如何将本网站优势凸显出来并吸引流量。

3. 高质量内容建设: 海量信息中惟有优质内容才能得到真正好的SEO效益,因此,要想得到好的seo效益,就必然要依托上书写原创性文字作为副本,并添加大量图片、flash助力;

4. 多链出去: 要想得到好seo效益,就必然要依托上多链出去;博客文章中可以适当引用一些权威性文字作为参考;

5. 增加外部/内部连结: SEO是一闭闭独独地工作方式,但是也不胜意味避开人民师脚步;应当适当增加外郩/冲郩之间之间之閒航海航海航海航海航海航海航海航6. 社会化媒体: 社会化媒体(Social Media)是21丄1C时代最大牵勒人民师脚阅读者留意度并拉升traffic 最好方法之ㄧ , 如Facebook , Twitter , YouTube 等 ;

7. 搜集及回应留話 : 高效追隲留ㄝ調動reader's attention and increase traffic to the website . It is also a good way to build relationships with customers and potential customers .

8. 時閲性 : Timely updates of content can help keep readers interested in your website and attract more visitors . This will also help improve search engine rankings as search engines prefer fresh content over stale content .

9. URL Rewriting : URL rewriting helps make URLs easier for users to remember and type into their browsers which can lead to increased visits from users who have bookmarked or shared the link on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter .

10. Mobile Optimization : With an increasing number of people using mobile devices to access websites it is important that websites are optimized for mobile viewing so that they look good on smaller screens and load quickly without any problems . 11.. Webmaster Tools & Analytics : Using webmaster tools such as Google Webmaster Tools & analytics programs like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into how well your website is performing in terms of SEO performance & user engagement metrics such as bounce rate & time spent on site etc .. 12.. Sitemaps : Creating sitemaps for both humans (HTML) & robots (XML) helps ensure that all pages within a website are indexed by search engines thus improving visibility in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). 13.. Image Optimization : Images play an important role when it comes to SEO since they often appear prominently in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Therefore optimizing images with relevant keywords & descriptions can help boost organic traffic from image searches .. 14.. Local Search Optimization : For businesses targeting local markets it is important that their websites are optimized for local searches by including location specific information such as address , phone numbers etc .. 15.. Link Building Strategies :Link building strategies involve creating links from other high quality websites back to yours which not only increases visibility but also improves trustworthiness among search engines resulting in higher rankings .. 16.. Content Marketing Strategies :Content marketing involves creating high quality content related to your business niche which provides value for readers while at the same time helping you gain exposure through various channels including social media networks , blogs etc ... 17... Social Bookmarking :Submitting articles / blog posts / videos / images etc popular social bookmarking sites like Digg , StumbleUpon etc ...can be a great way of driving targeted traffic back to your website while at the same time helping you build relationships with influencers within your industry .... 18.... Online Advertising Campaigns :Online advertising campaigns involving PPC ads (Pay Per Click Ads ) or banner ads placed strategically across different platforms can be effective ways of driving targeted traffic back towards your website while at the same time boosting brand awareness ...... 19..... Conversion Rate Optimization :Conversion rate optimization involves analyzing user behavior data collected through analytics programs like Google Analytics then making changes accordingly so as maximize conversions i e turning visitors into paying customers .... 20...... User Experience Design :User experience design focuses on providing users with an enjoyable experience when visiting a particular website by ensuring easy navigation throughout its pages along with attractive visuals appealing layouts etc .... 21....... A/B Testing :A/B testing involves running two versions of a page simultaneously then comparing results obtained from each version before deciding upon which one works best based upon certain criteria eg click-through rates conversion rates etc ........ 22........ Voice Search Optimization :Voice search optimization involves optimizing webpages so that they rank better when searched via voice commands given through virtual assistants like Siri Alexa Cortanaetc ............. 23......... Structured Data Markup Implementation Structured data markup implementation refers adding special code snippets known as schemaorg markup onto webpages so that they become eligible for rich snippets displayed alongside regular listings within SERP s ................ 24........... Video SEO Video SEO refers optimizing videos uploaded onto video sharing platforms like YouTube Vimeo Dailymotionetcsoas toget maximum exposure possible .................... 25............. International Targeted Traffic Generation International targeted traffic generationinvolves setting up localized versionsofwebsitesin multiple languagesand countriesforreaching outtoglobalaudiences....................... 26.............. Rich Snippets Rich snippets referstoadditionalinformationdisplayedalongsideregularlistingswithinSERP swhichhelpincreasevisibilityandclick-throughrates........................ 27................ AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages AMPAcceleratedMobilePagesrefersoptimizingwebpagessothattheyloadfasteronmobilephonesresultinginbetterusabilityandsatisfaction............................. 28.................. HTTPS Migration HTTPSmigrationrefersmovingawebsitefromHTTPtoprotocolHTTPSwhichhelpsimprovesecurityandspeedwhilealsoraisingrankingswithintheSERPs................................ 29................... Schemaorg Markup SchemaorgmarkupreferstheadditionofspecialcodesnippetssuchasschemaorgmarkuptowebpagestoenablethemtoqualifyforrichsnippetsdisplayedalongsideregularlistingswithinSERPS........................................ 30.................... Canonical Tags Canonicaltagsareusedtoreducetheeffectsofduplicatecontentbytellingsearchengineswhichpageisthepreferredversionofthesamecontent............................................. 31........................ Internal Link Structure InternalLinkStructureRefersCreatinglinksbetweendifferentpagesonyourwebsitetohelpsearchEnginesfindalltherelevantpages





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