SEO(Search Engine Optimization,即“搜索引擎优化”)是一项服务或者说是一门学问。它旨在通过各种方法来帮助你的站点达到最好的可能性以便被主流互联网上大多数使用者所看到。其目标就是要将你的站内信息和内容准备得如此出彩以便能够在不断变化中并且不断压力之下保留其浏览量和浏览跳出量。
二、 SEO 搜 索 引 擎 优 化 的 详 细 操作步骤
1. 首先要明白Google对Webmaster Guidelines(webmaster guidelines)中所述原则,遵循Google Webmaster Guidelines (GWG) , GWG 本意就是告诉 webmasters 如何去衡量 Google Search Quality Rating Guideline (QRG), QRG 能帮忙 webmasters 了解 Google search engine algorithms and how to optimize their websites for better ranking in the SERPs.
2. 高度相关性:想要在google上成功,必须理想 googlebot crawlers that your website is highly relevant to the keywords you are targeting .因而,keyword research should be done before starting any SEO campaign so as to identify which words or phrases people use when searching for a particular topic or product on search engines like google .
3. URL optimization :URLs of each page should be optimized by including targeted keywords in them so as to make it easier for both users and bots alike understand what they can expect from visiting that page .
4. Title tag optimization :Title tags play an important role in helping search engines determine what a webpage is about ,so title tags must include target keyword/phrase at least once but not more than twice while keeping it short yet descriptive enough with no more than 70 characters long including spaces between words if necessary .
5. Meta description optimization:Meta descriptions help inform potential visitors about your content even before they click through from SERP results pages thus making them decide whether clicking through would be worth their time or not; hence meta descriptions must also include target keyword/phrase at least once while being concise yet informative with no more than 160 characters long including spaces between words if necessary.. 6 Content creation & Optimization ;Content plays an important role when optimizing websites since quality content helps build trust among readers who will eventually become customers ; therefore creating unique high-quality contents related directly towards targeted topics / products / services etc.,is essential along with proper formatting such as using H1 -H6 headings where appropriate ,bolding key points throughout text body etc.,to make sure all contents are easily readable by both humans and bots alike .. 7 Image Alt Text Optimization ;Images used within website pages need alt texts describing images accurately without stuffing too many irrelevant keywords into them otherwise this could lead into penalties imposed by major search engines like google .. 8 Internal Linking Structure ;Internal linking structure of a website needs attention since having properly structured internal links makes navigation easier for users plus helps spread link juice across different sections of same domain thus improving overall rankings on SERPs.. 9 External Link Building Strategy ;External link building strategy involves getting backlinks from other authoritative domains pointing towards yours which increases credibility amongst various SEs resulting higher rankings over time provided those external links come naturally instead of buying bulk spammy ones just because these days most SEs have advanced algorithms capable enough detecting unnatural patterns created due artificial means ... 10 Website Speed & Mobile Friendliness; Last but certainly not least comes speed factor i-e loading times plus mobile friendliness meaning how well does your site look on smaller screens such tablets phones etc.; nowadays almost everyone uses smartphones one way another hence having responsive design becomes mandatory else risk losing out potential customers due slow loading speeds poor user experience caused lack mobile friendly layout designs...
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