
SEO中最常见问题之一便是站内问题(internal issue):有时候并不是因为你website上出问题而导致keyword ranking drop off:


1. 竞争对手加大优化力度:随着市场竞争的日益激烈,越来越多的企业都开始采取SEO优化方法来增强自己的市场影响力。如果你不能保持步伐,就很容易被竞争对手甩出去。


2. 搜索引擎算法升级:随着Google、Baidu以及其他主流搜索引擎不断升级其搜索引擎的核心代理服务器,这也将影响到我们之前使用的SEO方法是否有效。因此,我们要时刻留意这些变化并根据情况作出相应调整。

3. 内容不新鲜/重复性内容过多: 对于一个好的SEO来说,内容是王道,而如今很多人都在使用重复性内容,而且大部分都是“copy and paste”, 这样就造成了大量相同或者相似内容存在, 使得Google看到你的页面上有大量重复性内容, 那么评判你就不好.

4. 站内问题: SEO中最常见问题之一便是站内问题(internal issue), 比如404 error page not found , 500 server internal error , 301 redirects etc., 这样子就造成googlebot无法正常crawl your website .

5. 外部因素: 有时候并不是因为你website上出问题而导致keyword ranking drop off , 而是因为external factor (such as competitor's link building activities) that affects the keyword rankings of your website .

6. 高风险行业问题 : 如 Google Panda & Penguin algorithm update ;Adwords policy violation ; Black hat SEO techniques used by competitors; Low quality backlinks from spammy websites; Over optimization of keywords on webpages etc..

7. 社交媒体影响 : Social media has become an important part of SEO in recent years and it can have a huge impact on keyword rankings if done correctly or incorrectly . If you are not actively engaging with customers through social media channels then this could be one reason why your keyword rankings are dropping off .

8. 页面速度 : Page speed is another important factor when it comes to SEO and if your pages are loading slowly then this could be causing your keyword rankings to drop off as well . It is important to make sure that all pages load quickly so that visitors don't get frustrated and leave before they even see what you have to offer them .

9、关注度减少: 很多人只想要快速上升然后快速downfalling ;然而真正能hold up long term success 的keyword ranking 正是要constantly maintain attention for those keywords over time ;如not doing enough content marketing or link building activities for those target keywords ;or simply just lack of interest from users due to outdated content or irrelevant topics related to those target keywords will cause the downfall in search engine result page (SERP).

10、IP地理位子差异: IP address location difference also plays a role in SERP results since different countries may show different results based on their local preferences or language settings which can affect how well certain websites rank for certain keywords in other countries where they do not have much presence yet but still want their products/services seen by potential customers there too!

11、Robots txt file issues : Robots txt file issues can also lead to problems with indexing new content or blocking access from search engines altogether which would obviously lead lower visibility overall thus resulting in decreased keyword rankings eventually if left unchecked for too long!

12、Meta tags & description errors : Meta tags & descriptions should always be optimized properly according to best practices otherwise they won't help much when trying achieve higher positions within SERPs either - especially since these two elements play such an integral role when it comes down determining relevance between queries made by users searching online today!

13、Duplicate Content Issues : Duplicate content issues can arise due both intentional plagiarism attempts as well unintentional mistakes made while creating new posts/pages without proper research beforehand - either way though having multiple versions floating around out there will only hurt chances at achieving better organic traffic numbers over time so try avoid any kind scenarios whenever possible! 14、Link Building Quality Issues: Link building quality matters more than ever now days because Google wants ensure its users receive most relevant information available no matter what query being asked - therefore low quality links pointing towards site might actually end up hurting rather than helping overall efforts here depending upon situation at hand so always keep eye out any suspicious activity happening behind scenes here too! 15、Anchor Text Optimization Errors Anchor text optimization errors occur when someone tries use exact match anchor texts instead diversifying them across various phrases related topic being discussed - this type behavior usually flagged algorithms leading penalty imposed against domain name question which ultimately leads lower visibility levels within SERPs themselves unfortunately enough... 16、Title Tag Optimization Mistakes Title tag optimization mistakes happen often times people forget include primary focus phrase beginning title itself along with secondary ones afterwards order give readers better idea what article about before clicking through read full thing itself – remember titles should concisely describe contents contained therein order maximize click-through rates accordingly… 17





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