
二、SEO优化常见4中内容重复方法及其对应方法1. 针对页面间重复;2. 针对单个URL上存在大量相同或者近似content;


1. 页面间重复:指不同页面之间存在相同或者近似的内容。例如:产品详情页中有大量相同的文字介绍;分类与子分类之间也可能出现大量相同的文字介绍。


2. 同一URL上的内容重复:指在单个URL上出现大量相同或者近似的内容。例如:用户通过不同关键词访问时都显示出来是一样的内容;使用不正当手段将原始URL修改而导致显式出来是一样的内容。

3. 站外/站内及其他站上重复:搜狗、360、神马都有很好地对此作出了评判并标注“已被引用”。

4. 标志性图片/图片集/Flash动画/JS代码/CSS代表性断裂: 这些都是常见但又往往忽略不计的SEO隐患, 如logo, banner, flash动画, js代表性断裂(js库) , css代表性断裂(css库) 等;


1. 针对页面间重复: 对于副本数少时可以使用301永久redirects将副本url 301 redirects到原始url; 如果副本数很多需要考虑使用noindex + follow robots meta tag 来避免googlebot浪费时间去crawl & index 多页副本;

2. 针对单个URL上存在大量相同或者近似content : 这时候就要看想要保留哪个版本然后将其余版本通过301 redirects to the original version ;

3. 站外 / 站内 / 和其他站上 content duplication : 最好是能找到source url然后contact source website owner and ask them to remove the duplicate content or add a canonical link pointing back to your page ;

4. 标志性图片 / Flash动画 / JS代衣 / CSS代衣 : 运用cdn (Content Delivery Network )来傲傲distribute these static files across multiple servers in different locations so that they can be served faster and more efficiently .


1. 首先能尽可能避免生成大扩散 of duplicated pages for products with similar attributes like size , color etc . For example , if you have a product page for each size & color combination then it is better to use parameter handling techniques such as rel=canonical or noindex+follow instead of creating separate pages for each variation . This will help reduce the number of duplicate pages on your site while still allowing users to access all variations from one single URL .

2. Secondly , make sure that all product descriptions are unique and not copied from other sources . If you do need to copy some information from another source then make sure that you give credit by adding a link back to the original source at the end of your description . This will help search engines understand where this information came from originally and also prevent any potential penalties due to plagiarism issues .

3. Thirdly , optimize images used on product pages by using descriptive file names which include relevant keywords related to the image itself as well as its context within the page content . Also try compressing images before uploading them onto your server so that they load faster without compromising quality too much .





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