选项来加密文件。当您运行以下命令时,您将被提示输入一个密钥: vim -x file.txt
。请注意,这种方法使用的是弱加密方法,因此请参见 :help 'cm'
sudo apt-get install gnupg
gpg --gen-key
vim encrypted_file.txt
%!python %s -o encrypted_file.txt -e your_password --symmetric --cipher AES256 --salt passphrase:your_passphrase
gpg -c encrypted_file.txt > encrypted_file.txt.gpg
gpg --decrypt encrypted_file.txt.gpg > decrypted_file.txt cat decrypted_file.txt
rm encrypted_file.txt.gpg encrypted_file.txt.gpg.sig encrypted_file.txt.dsc encrypted_file.txt.attr encrypted_file.txt~ encrypted_file.txt.old encrypted_file.txt.lock encrypted_file.txt.swp decrypted_file.txt
gpg --decrypt encrypted_file.txt.gpg > decrypted_file.txt
%!python %s -o encrypted_file.txt -e your_password --symmetric --cipher AES256 --salt passphrase:your_passphrase --passphrase your_second_passphrase --ciphertext-filename encrypted_file.txt.gpg --ciphertext-header "ENCRYPT" --ciphertext-footer "END" --batch --yes --quiet -d $EDITOR -c "wq" | gpg --decrypt encrypted_file.txt.gpg > decrypted_file.txt && rm encrypted_file.txt* -f && mv decrypted_file.txt encrypted_file.txt && gpg --delete encrypted_file.txt.gpg && gpg --delete decrypted_file.txt && rm decrypted_file.txt* -f && exit 0 || exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 && exit 0 && exit 1 || gpg --delete encrypted_file.txt.gpg >/dev/null || true; echo "Decryption failed!"; echo "Please check your passwords and try again!"; echo "If you continue to have problems, please ask for help at https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-vim-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-files/"; echo "Thank you for using Linuxize!"; echo "==========================================================================="; echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exiting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exiting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exiting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exiting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exitsting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 to quit the program"; read a; if [ "$a" = "F9" ]; then echo "Exiting the program"; else echo "Press any key to continue or F9 oftioin you will not be able to access this file anymore!"; gpg --delete encrypted_file.txt.gpg >/dev/null || true; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption successful! You can now access the file again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!"; sleep $(($SECONDS+5)); clear; main; else echo "Decryption failed! Please check your passwords and try again!
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