
2. 它可以使用户在不同的网站之间进行快速浏览和交流信息。用户可以方便地扩大资料库并改善对特定主题的理解能力。外部链接也有助于传递权重和SEO效益。


1. 外链指的是网站上的超文本链接,它可以将用户带到其他网站。


2. 它可以使用户在不同的网站之间进行快速浏览和交流信息。

3. 通过外部链接,用户可以方便地扩大资料库并改善对特定主题的理解能力。

4. 此外,外部链接也有助于传递权重和SEO效益。


1. 确保内容相关性——要想得到好的SEO效益,就必须要确保你引用的内容与你正在写作中所包含的内容是相关性很强的。如果你正在写一篇关于“时尚”话题, 那么超文本连接应当为时尚衣服、时装周、星巴克之类主题; 而不应当是一条去往南方园区水上乐园(South Park Waterpark) 的航道!

2. 只使用受信任权威者——如前所述, 多高贵出版物(High Authority Publications) 才能真正带来 SEO 效益; 因此, 要想得到好 SEO 效益, 最好使用大众皆誉 (Publicly Trusted Sources) 的文章作为你引用/引导之出发点! 3. 高贵出版物 —— 向 Google Scholar 等学术数据库中寻找学者/学生/老师认可并拿到大量 citations 的文章; 这样子能真正带来 SEO 效益! 4. 高 PR (Page Rank) —— PageRank (PR) 是 Google Algorithm 最重要考量因子之一; PR9-10 的 webpages / websites / blogs / forums etc., 胜过 PR0-8 10 岁! 5. 高 DA (Domain Authority ) —— Domain Authority (DA), 听上去似乎很花哨, 但 DA > 50% , 远胜 DA <50%. 6 .泛泛而谈追随者 —— Twitter followers & Facebook likes & Instagram followers etc., all count towards the overall authority of a website or blog post and thus can help you get better SEO results from your external links ! 7 .独特性 -– Unique content is always preferred by search engines over duplicate content ; so make sure that the external link you are using has unique content which adds value to your own article ! 8 .畅通阅读 –– Make sure that the external link you are using is easy to read and understand for readers ; if it isn't then chances are they won't click on it in the first place ! 9 .昵称 –– Nicknames like “The New York Times” or “CNN News” can be used as anchor text when linking out to other sites ; this helps give more context to what users will find when they click on the link ! 10 .回归 –– Last but not least , make sure that any external links you use have a good chance of bringing visitors back to your site once they've clicked away from it ; this means making sure there's something interesting enough for them to come back for more !





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