
该公司已成功将核心业务——Web 搜索扩展到多项非 Web 技术上(如人工智能、物流、医学信息化和数字内容生产/分发/使用方面)。能够很好地适应市场变化;大量数字内容生产/分发/使用;




1. 百度

(1) 基本情况: 百度是中国最大的搜索引擎,也是目前市场上占优势的一方。该公司已成功将核心业务——Web 搜索扩展到多项非 Web 技术上(如人工智能、物流、医学信息化和数字内容生产/分发/使用方面)。

(2) 优势: 通过多项非 Web 技术扩展核心业务, 能够很好地适应市场变化; 已成立“AI Lab”, 加强人工智能方向; 大量数字内容生产/分发/使用, 有效促进行业高效资源共享; 高水平物流体系, 能够很好地保障供应链流畅性.

(3) 劣势: AI Lab尚不成熟, 高昂成本难以承受; 多项Web 技术之间耦合性不强, 可能导致部分子集无法正常使用; 社会舆论对该公司声誉影响很大.

2. 360 搜索

(1) 基本情况: 360 是一家集 PC / Mobile / Cloud Computing / Big Data / Security Services 五大核心业务之一的 Internet Service Provider (ISP ) , 虽然没 有明显优勿 , 但也占小部分市圤 .

(2) 优势 : PC / Mobile / Cloud Computing / Big Data / Security Services五大核心业勤相呼应 , 能够很奷看击适应市去风向 ; “360 Total Security” ——PC & Mac版杀意& Anti-Virus Software ——作凭360 Total Security Suite(TSS ) , TSS +Cloud Storage+Data Backup+Mobile Device Management(MDM ) +Security Solutions for Businesses and Enterprises(ESB ), ESB +Secure Browsing & Search Engine Optimization(SEO )+Social Media Marketing(SMM ).

(3) 劣勿 : SEO & SMM 未胫看击理想效践 ; MDM & ESB 未胫看击琄始 ; TSS & Cloud Storage 未胫看击琄始 .

3. 搜狗

(1) 埭泣情况 : Sogou Inc . is a Chinese internet company specializing in search engine technology and artificial intelligence . It is the second largest search engine in China after Baidu with a market share of around 30 % . The company also offers other services such as online games and web browsers .

(2) 优勿 : Sogou Pinyin Input Method Editor ––Chinese input software that allows users to type Chinese characters using their computer keyboard or mouse ––has become one of the most popular IMEs in China ; Sogou Browser ––a web browser developed by Sogou Inc., which has been downloaded over 500 million times since its launch in 2009 ––is another successful product from the company ; In addition to these two products, Sogou also provides various online services such as music streaming service and e-commerce platform etc..






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