
能夠幫助人們創造出新奇而有效能力很強 的關注語彙來運行SEO 技術;能夠幫助人們快速地創造出與原始關注語彙相關性很強 的新奇而有效能力很強 的閣子;


1. 长尾关键词的定义:指由3个或3个以上单词组成的搜索式关键字。这些关键字通常包含较低的搜索量和竞争度,但可能会有效地将流量引导到特定页面。


2. 长尾关键词的作用:使得相对来说不太出名的内容也能被大众所看到,并为之带来流量。此外,使用者可以根据自己想要找到的信息而快速找到相应内容。


1. 利用Google Adwords Keyword Planner工具: Google Adwords Keyword Planner是一个功能强大的工具, 可以帮助人们快速地发现新的有效性和有意义性很强的相關關鍵詞, 能夠幫助人們創造出新奇而有效能力很強 的關注語彙來運行SEO 技術;

2. 利用Semrush工具: Semrush是一個集 SEO, SEM, PPC 等多領域於一身 的軟件 , 其中包含了Keyword Magic Tool ; 這是一個方便易用、功能強大 的關注語彙生成工具 , 能夠幫助人們快速地創造出與原始關注語彙相關性很強 的新奇而有效能力很強 的閣子 ;

3. 廣告競技者 : 此方法既可以干勝競爭者 , 也可以看看當前正在使用你想要 排名上升 本機企態之閣子 ; 首郡 , 要想理解當前正在使用之閣子 , 本機企 態之閣子 ; 首郡 , 要想理解當前正在使用之閣子 , 本機企 態之閤民 .

4. Amazon Suggested Search : Amazon Suggested Search (AS) 是Amazon上線非常早期就出現過了 ; AS不光能夠干勝競折者 ; AS不光能 夠干勝競折者 ; AS不光能 夠干勝競折者 ; AS不光能 夠干勝競折者 .

5. Quora & Reddit : Quora & Reddit郵備無興超過10 000 000+ users and millions of questions asked every day; this is a great way to find out what people are looking for in terms of long-tail keywords and phrases that you can use to optimize your content for search engine optimization purposes.; by searching through the topics on these sites you can get an idea of what people are interested in and create content around those topics accordingly.; this will help you target more specific audiences with your content as well as increase the chances of ranking higher in search engines due to increased relevance from using relevant long-tail keywords and phrases within your content..

6. YouTube Autocomplete : YouTube Autocomplete is another great tool for finding new long-tail keywords related to your topic or niche.; it works similarly to Google’s autocomplete feature but instead provides suggestions based on popular searches made on YouTube itself.; by typing in a few words related to your topic into the search bar you can quickly generate dozens of potential keyword ideas that could be used when optimizing your website or blog posts..

7. Long Tail Pro: Long Tail Pro is a powerful keyword research tool designed specifically for finding profitable long tail keywords.; it allows users to easily identify low competition yet high traffic potential keywords which makes it perfect for SEO campaigns targeting specific niches or markets.; with its intuitive interface and comprehensive features such as keyword difficulty analysis, competitor analysis etc., Long Tail Pro makes it easy for anyone regardless of their experience level to quickly uncover profitable opportunities within any given market..





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