
2. 渠道SEO是指在不同的搜索引擎上对企业信息进行有效的关键词优化,下的SEO建设原理1. 关注用户体验——覆盖所有重要浏览方式”


1. 互联网时代的到来,使得企业品牌可以通过渠道SEO建设实现快速增长。


2. 渠道SEO是指在不同的搜索引擎上对企业信息进行有效的关键词优化,以便能够在相应的搜索引擎中出现在前列。

3. 通过正确有效的SEO建设,可以带动企业品牌快速成长,并实现“互联互通”。


1. 关注用户体验——覆盖所有重要浏览方式;根据用户习惯将内容呈现形式作出合理性考量。

2. 精准关键词——根据电子市场竞争情况制定高效能关键词; 加大对新闻、危机舆情、行业风向标信息监测力度; 追随行业风向, 把关注焦点集中到影响力大小显耀之处; 加大对站内外围都存在性已久但是尤其活泼变化性很好的文章/图片/声音/影片/APP 等信景材料上, 不断扩大 SEO 覆盖度。

3. 多面手——将 SEO 本看作一门生存之道, 时时更新 SEO 策略, 适应市场变化; 努力使 SEO 能够真正成为一门生存之道, 能够永久保留并不断升华; 高效能 SEO 策略能够使企业快速成长并实现 “互联互通”。


1. 深度优化 —— 努力将 SNS (Social Networking Sites) / BBS (Bulletin Board System) / Blogs / Forums / Wikis 等 Web 2 .0 时代飞天般飞快发展壮大的 SNS(Social Networking Sites) (如Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , YouTube )作为重要工具 ; 高效能 SEO 策略能够使 SNS(Social Networking Sites) 本看作一门生存之道 ; 2 . 天然海量 —— 天然海量是 Google Adwords & Yahoo Search Marketing & MSN AdCenter & Ask Jeeves Advertising Solutions & AOL Advertising Solutions & 7Search Adsolutions& Miva Adsolutions& LookSmart Adsolutions& FindWhat Adsolution s& KanoodleAdsolution s& Enhance InteractiveAdsolution s& MarchexAdsolution s…etc…etc…etc……..all of them are the most important tools for natural search engine optimization and they can help to increase your website traffic in a very short time period with minimum effort and cost . 3 . PPC (Pay Per Click ) —— PPC is one of the most effective ways to get targeted traffic from search engines like Google , Yahoo ! And Bing etc … It helps you to target specific keywords related to your business or product and it also helps you to track the performance of each keyword so that you can optimize your campaigns accordingly . 4 . Link Building —— Link building is an essential part of any successful online marketing campaign as it helps in increasing the visibility of a website on major search engines like Google , Yahoo ! And Bing etc … It involves creating quality backlinks from other websites which are relevant to yours and this will help in improving your rankings on these search engines over time . 5 . Content Optimization —— Content optimization is another important aspect when it comes to optimizing a website for better rankings on major search engines like Google , Yahoo ! And Bing etc … This involves creating content that is optimized for certain keywords related to your business or product so that it can be easily found by potential customers who are searching for such information online





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