Nginx是一款高性能的HTTP和反向代理服务器,它可以处理高并发请求,具有高负载能力,在本文中,我们将介绍如何在基于CentOS 7系统上搭建Nginx网站服务器。
1、CentOS 7系统
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install nginx -y
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
sudo vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; }
location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; }
sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo mkdir /usr/share/nginx/html/example
sudo vi example/index.html sudo vi example/style.css sudo vi example/script.js
location / { ...... }
location ~ .php$ { ...... } location ~ .css$ { ...... } location ~ .js$ { ...... } location ~ .png$ { set_header Content-Type image/png; expires max; add_header Pragma public; }; images and such as png files will be cached for an extended period of time (as set by expires) to reduce server load and allow faster page loads in the future. This also means that if the file is changed outside of your site it will not be served from the cache until the cache expires or the client revalidates the resource with the server (which may take several minutes). The "add_header Pragma public" line makes this resource publicly cacheable by proxies and CDNs, which can help speed up delivery to users in China, for example, where many sites are blocked by firewalls or other restrictions. See for more information on how to use these headers to control caching behavior for different types of resources. You may need to adjust this depending on your specific use case and target audience for this site. If you're serving images from a database or another external source then you may need to adjust this header as well so that it doesn't return the wrong file or cause problems with caching or loading times.; images and such as png files will be cached for an extended period of time (as set by expires) to reduce server load and allow faster page loads in the future. This also means that if the file is changed outside of your site it will not be served from the cache until the cache expires or the client revalidates the resource with the server (which may take several minutes). The "add_header Pragma public" line makes this resource publicly cacheable by proxies and CDNs, which can help speed up delivery to users in China, for example, where many sites are blocked by firewalls or other restrictions. See for more information on how to use these headers to control caching behavior for different types of resources. You may need to adjust this depending on your specific use case and target audience for this site. If you're serving images from a database or another external source then you may need to adjust this header as well so that it doesn't return the wrong file or cause problems with caching or loading times.; images and such as png files will be cached for an extended period of time (as set by expires) to reduce server load and allow faster page loads in the future. This also means that if the file is changed outside of your site it will not be served from the cache until the cache expires or the client revalidates the resource with the server (which may take several minutes). The "add_header Pragma public" line makes this resource publicly cacheable by proxies and CDNs, which can help speed up delivery to users in China, for example, where many sites are blocked by firewalls或other restrictions。 See for more信息如何使用这些标头来控制不同类型资源的缓存行为,您可能需要根据您的特定用例和目标受众对此进行调整,如果您正在从数据库或其他外部来源提供图像,则可能需要调整此标头以避免返回错误的文件或导致缓存或加载时间问题。; images and such as png files will be cached for an extended period of time (as set by expires) to reduce server load and allow faster page loads in the future,这也意味着如果文件在站点之外被更改,则不会从缓存中提供服务,直到缓存过期或客户端重新验证与服务器相关的资源(这可能需要几分钟)。“add_header Pragma public”行使此资源可通过代理和CDN公开缓存,这有助于加速在中国等地区的用户交付速度,许多站点受到防火墙或其他限制的阻止,有关如何使用这些标头来控制不同类型资源的缓存行为的更多信息,请参阅https://developer,mozilla,org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-ControlPublic_cache_directives,您可能需要根据您的特定用例和目标受众对此进行调整,如果您正在从数据库或其他外部来源提供图像,则可能需要调整此标头以避免返回错误的文件或导致缓存或加载时间问题。; images and such as png files will be cached for an extended period of time (as set by expires) to reduce server load and allow faster page loads in the future,这也意味着如果文件在站点之外被更改,则不会从缓存中提供服务,直到缓存过期或客户端重新验证与服务器相关的资源(这可能需要几分钟)。“add_header Pragma public”行使此资源可通过代理和CDN公开缓存,这有助于加速在中国等地区的用户交付速度,许多站点受到防火墙或其他限制的阻止,请参见https://developer,mozilla,org/en-US/docs/Web相关的问题和解答:Q1:如何在CentOS7上安装Nginx?A1:可以通过以下命令安装Nginx:sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum install nginx
,然后启动Nginx服务并设置开机自启:sudo systemctl start nginx && sudo systemctl enable nginx
Q2:如何在Nginx中配置反向代理?A2:可以在Nginx配置文件中的server块中添加一个location块,指向后端服务器的地址和端口,`location ^~ /api { proxy_pass http://backend; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; },其中backend是后端服务器的地址和端口,Q3:如何在Nginx中配置静态文件缓存?A3:可以在Nginx配置文件中的server块中添加一个location块,指向静态文件的路径。
location ~* .(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ { root /path/to/your/staticfiles; expires max; add_header Pragma public; }`,其中root指定了静态文件的路径,expires指定了缓存的时间,add_header Pragma public使得静态文件可以被代理和CDN缓存,Q4:如何在Nginx中配置SSL证书?A4:可以在Nginx配置文件中的server块中添加ssl_certificate和ssl_certificate_key指令,
声明:本网站发布的内容(图片、视频和文字)以用户投稿、用户转载内容为主,如果涉及侵权请尽快告知,我们将会在第一时间删除。文章观点不代表本网站立场,如需处理请联系客服。电话:028-86922220;邮箱。内容未经允许不得转载,或转载时需注明来源: 成都快上网