


1. 简洁明了:网站导航的设计应该尽量保持简洁明了,不能太过复杂。否则会使用户在浏览时受到困扰。


2. 合理性:网站导航的布局应当充分考虑用户体验,将相关内容整合起来并根据主题进行有效的分类。避免出现“死循环”情况及不必要的重复性内容。

3. 易用性: 网站导航应当尽量使用文字作为标识, 进行有效地告诉用户如何去找到他们想要找到的信息; 各个功能之间也应当尽量保持一定的逻辑关系, 例如: 首页-文章-博客-留言板; 还可以考虑引入图片、图标作为标识, 来增强用户体验; 也可以考虑将部分功能隐匿在子目录中, 防止出现过多项目造成界面上看上去很花哨, 吸引不了人看; 有时也会针对特定功能进行独立布局, 例如: 新闻中心、会员中心、VIP服务中心之前都是独立布局方式。

4. 天然平衡: 精巧大气是天然平衡之道! 精巧大气是一套天然平衡法则——即"三者皆不可尤", "三者皆不可夭"——即"三者皆不可尤", "三者皆不可夭". 圣人之道,"五者皆有","五者皆无". 要想使得界面看上去大气而雅致, 需要将字体大小、字体风格、版式布局(包含文字)都进行天然平衡!

5. SEO优化 : SEO(Search Engine Optimization)是一套SEO优化方法 , 意在通过各方法 , 让浏览者在Google/Baidu/Yahoo/MSN...etc . 搜索引播出来 , 使得浏览追随释出 . SEO优化方法 , 常常是通风SEO+代琤SEO+URL Rewrite + Meta Tag + Title Tag + Description Tag ... etc . SEO优化 , 有助于将海释出 !

6. 多高效节省 : 多高效节省 (High Efficiency & Low Cost ) 意味着 : 1 ) 高效 ; 2 ) 节省 ; 3 ) 多高 . High Efficiency & Low Cost = High Quality & Low Price ! High Quality & Low Price = More Customers Satisfaction ! More Customers Satisfaction = More Business Opportunities ! So it is very important to make sure that the website navigation layout should be high efficiency and low cost in order to get more business opportunities from customers satisfaction!

7. Web 2.0风格 : Web 2.0风格 (Web 2 Style) ;Web2Style意味web2style=web2style=web20style=web20designs=websiteswithmodernlookandfeel! web2style愿愒a modern look and feel for websites with a focus on usability and user experience design principles such as simplicity of use and intuitive navigation structure which makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for quickly without having to search through multiple pages or menus!

8. AJAX Technology : AJAX technology can help improve the user experience by providing dynamic content loading capabilities which allow users to access information faster than ever before without having to wait for page reloads or refreshes every time they click on something new within the website navigation menu structure! This helps reduce load times significantly while also making it easier for users to navigate around your site quickly and efficiently without any delays or frustrations caused by slow loading times due to heavy page loads or complex coding structures behind them!

9.. Responsive Design : Responsive design is an important factor when designing a website's navigation layout because it allows you create layouts that will automatically adjust themselves depending on the device being used so that all visitors have an optimal viewing experience regardless of whether they're using a desktop computer tablet smartphone etcetera this ensures maximum compatibility across all devices while also helping ensure better accessibility overall since people won't have trouble accessing certain parts of your site due their device not being supported properly by its current layout configuration settings etcetera thus improving overall user engagement levels too!.

10.. Accessibility Standards Compliance: Last but not least accessibility standards compliance is another key factor when designing a website's navigation layout as this helps ensure that everyone including those with disabilities can easily access your site regardless of their physical limitations this includes things like ensuring proper contrast ratios between text colors background colors font sizes link styles etcetera so that everyone has equal opportunity when navigating around your site no matter what type of disability they may have!.






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