Kali Linux is a popular operating system used for penetration testing and network security assesents. However, the default skin of Kali Linux is not aesthetically pleasing and can be a bit overwhelming for some users. Luckily, changing the skin of Kali Linux is a simple and easy process. In this article, we’ll go through the steps for changing the skin of Kali Linux, making it look more user-friendly, and satisfying to the eye.
Step 1: Download and Install the Required Software
To change the skin of Kali Linux, we need to install the XFCE desktop environment. This desktop environment can be installed by running the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install xfce4
After the installation, logout from the current session.
Step 2: Install the Additional Software
In addition to the XFCE desktop environment, we also need to install some additional software. Specifically, we need to install the “numix-gtk-theme” and “numix-icon-theme-circle” packages. These packages will give our Kali Linux installation a more polished look.
To install these packages, run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme-circle
Step 3: Switch to the New Desktop Environment
After installing the XFCE desktop environment and additional software packages, we need to switch to the new desktop environment. To do so, click the “Settings” icon in the top right corner of the screen, then click on “Applications” and find the “Session and Startup” application. Open this application and select the “Session” tab.
Choose the “Xfce Session” option from the list and click the “Save” button. When prompted, log out from the current session.
Step 4: Apply the New Theme
Once we’ve logged out from the current session, we can log in agn and apply the new theme. To apply the new theme:
1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose “Settings.”
2. In the settings window, click on the “Appearance” icon.
3. Select the “Numix” theme from the list of avlable options.
4. Click the “Apply” button to apply the new theme.
Step 5: Further Customization
At this point, we’ve successfully changed the skin of our Kali Linux installation. However, we can further customize the system to our preferences by adding new icons, wallpapers, and other widgets.
To add new icons, simply download and extract the icons to the “.icons” folder in your home directory.
To change the wallpaper, right-click on the desktop and choose “Desktop Settings.” In this settings window, choose a new wallpaper by selecting the “Wallpaper” tab.
Finally, we can add new widgets and customize the panel layout by right-clicking anywhere on the panel and clicking “Panel” > “Panel Preferences.”
Changing the skin of Kali Linux is a simple and easy process. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can give their Kali Linux installation a more polished and aesthetically pleasing look. With further customization, users can create a personalized Kali Linux environment that suits their particular needs and preferences.
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