使之能够得到主流搜索引擎对应用户所需要的信息而被正常显影。2) Off-Page optimization (链接优化);
1. SEO是什么?
SEO(Search Engine Optimization)即搜索引擎优化,是一项在互联网上进行的有效的站内外优化工作。它旨在通过各种方法来使你的网站能够被主流搜索引擎找到并展示出来。
2. SEO目标
SEO 的目标就是要将你的站内或者站外信息及其价值最大化地呈现出来,使之能够得到主流搜索引擎对应用户所需要的信息而被正常显影。
3. SEO 工作原理
SEO 工作原理就是通过不断优化你的站内或者站外信心及其价值,然后将其提交到主流 搜 索 引 擎 , 进 行 相 应 的 权 重 处 理 , 最 后 让 您 的 页 面 能 够 达 到 有 权 重、有效词、有特定高度显影出来。
4. SEO工作重心
SEO工作重心集中在三部分: 1) On-Page optimization (页面优化); 2) Off-Page optimization (链接优化); 3) Content optimization (内容优化).
5. On-Page optimization(页面优化)
On-page optimization(也叫“on page seo”, “on site seo” )是一般意义上seo中最重要也是最基本的部分, on page seo就是对html代码中title tag, meta tag, keyword density , heading tags , alt tags , anchor text and internal link structure etc.(如title标记、meta标记、关键字密度、heading标记alt标记anchor text和内部link structure),进行合理性实施而得到好的seo效益;
6. Off-Page Optimization(Off Site Seo)(Link Building)(External Linking)(Backlinks)(Inbound Links):
Off Page Optimization(off site seo), off page seo就是通过link building/external linking/backlinks/inbound links to get more traffic from search engine result pages by increasing the website's relevance for a particular keyword or phrase;
7. Content Optimization:
Content Optimization is about optimizing your content so that it can be found easily by search engines and users alike; It involves creating relevant content with targeted keywords in order to attract visitors who are looking for what you have to offer; This includes writing articles, blog posts and press releases as well as optimizing existing webpages with fresh content and relevant keywords;
8 . Keyword Research & Analysis : Keyword research & analysis is an important part of any successful SEO campaign ; It involves researching popular keywords related to your business or website in order to determine which ones will bring the most targeted traffic ; Once you have identified these target keywords , you can then optimize your website accordingly in order to rank higher in the SERPs .
9 . Search Engine Submission : Search engine submission is the process of submitting your website URL directly to major search engines such as Google , Yahoo! And Bing ; This helps ensure that they index your website quickly and accurately so that it appears in their results when people perform searches related to your business or industry .
10 . Social Media Marketing : Social media marketing is another important aspect of any successful SEO strategy ; By engaging with customers through social networks like Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn , businesses can build relationships with potential customers while also driving more traffic back to their websites through shared links .
11 . Local Search Engine Optimization : Local search engine optimization focuses on optimizing a business' online presence within its local area ; This includes targeting specific geographic locations within organic listings as well as appearing prominently within local directories such as Yelp or Yellow Pages ; Doing this allows businesses to reach out directly to potential customers who may not otherwise find them online due solely relying on traditional methods of advertising such as print ads or television commercials
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