在C语言中,我们通常使用Oracle Call Interface (OCI)来更新Oracle数据库,OCI是Oracle提供的一套用于访问和操作Oracle数据库的API,它允许我们在C程序中执行SQL语句,从而实现对数据库的增删改查等操作。
#include#include #include #include static void checkerr(OCIError *errhp, sword status) { sb4 errcode = 0; text errbuf[512]; switch (status) { case OCI_SUCCESS: break; case OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: printf("Success with info "); break; case OCI_NEED_DATA: printf("Need data "); break; case OCI_NO_DATA: printf("No data "); break; case OCI_ERROR: OCIErrorGet((dvoid *)errhp, (ub4)1, (text *)NULL, &errcode, errbuf, (ub4)sizeof(errbuf), OCI_HTYPE_ERROR); printf("Error %ld: %s ", errcode, errbuf); break; case OCI_INVALID_HANDLE: printf("Invalid handle "); break; case OCI_STILL_EXECUTING: printf("Still executing "); break; case OCI_CONTINUE: printf("Continue "); break; default: printf("Unknown error "); break; } }
int main() { OCIEnv *envhp; OCIServer *srvhp; OCIError *errhp; OCISvcCtx *svchp; OCISession *usrhp; OCIBind *bindhp; OCIDefine *defnp; const text *sql; sb4 rc; ub4 iterspc, indtyp, mode; sword status; text errbuf[512]; text bindname[512], bindvalue[512]; ub4 namelen, valuelen; ub2 rcode; ub4 rowcount = 0; dvoid *rowid = NULL; OCIRowid *rowidhp; sword dyn = OCI_DYNAMIC; sword is_begin = 0; // 0 for not begin, 1 for begin, 1 for endoffile or error during fetching rows from query result set. sword is_commit = 0; // 0 for not commit, 1 for commit. sword is_rollback = 0; // 0 for not rollback, 1 for rollback. sword is_fetch = 0; // 0 for not fetch, 1 for fetch. sword is_close = 0; // 0 for not close, 1 for close. sword is_exit = 0; // 0 for not exit, 1 for exit. sword is_free = 0; // 0 for not free, 1 for free. sword is_error = 0; // 0 for no error, 1 for error. sword is_success = 0; // 0 for no success, 1 for success. sword is_update = 0; // 0 for no update, 1 for update. sword is_insert = 0; // 0 for no insert, 1 for insert. sword is_delete = 0; // 0 for no delete, 1 for delete. sword is_select = 0; // 0 for no select, 1 for select. sword is_exec = 0; // 0 for no execute, 1 for execute. sword is_open = 0; // 0 for no open, 1 for open. sword is_prepare = 0; // 0 for no prepare, 1 for prepare. sword is_commited = 0; // 0 for no commited, 1 for commited. sword is_rollbacked = 0; // 0 for no rollbacked, 1 for rollbacked. sword is_closed = 0; // 0 for no closed, 1 for closed. sword is_freed = 0; // 0 for not freed, 1 for freed.
// ...省略部分代码... is_begin = 1; // begin transaction if needed. is_commit = 0; // do not commit transaction if needed. is_rollback = 0; // do not rollback transaction if needed. is_fetch = 0; // do not fetch rows from query result set if needed. is_close = 0; // do not close statement if needed. is_exit = 0; // do not exit program if needed. is_free = 0; // do not free resources if needed. is_error = 0; // no error occurred if needed. is_success = 0; // no success occurred if needed. is_update = 1; // update the database if needed. is_insert = 0; // do not insert data into the database if needed. is_delete = 0; // do not delete data from the database if needed. is_select = 0; // do not select data from the database if needed. is_exec = 1; // execute SQL statement if needed.
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