


1. 长尾关键词的定义:指由3个或3个以上单词组成的搜索式关键字。这些关键字通常被视为“低竞争度”和“低流量”,因此可能不会马上吸引大量流量。

2. 长尾关键词的特征:相对而言,它们有时会比标准头部关键字要难打中。然而,当用户使用这些特定长尾搜索时,表明他们已经在寻找特定信息并拥有一定的内心动机来履行行动。


1. 将文章标注为相应的标签: 把文章标注为相应的标签, 能够带来大量感兴趣者, 尤其是将文章分门别类之后, 精准化地将文章归属到不同的子集中去; 例如: 如果想要将一篇新闻发布在"教育"这一版块中, 那么可以将这一版块内都包含 "教育", "学生", "考试", "作业阅卷" 等子集; 还可以选择性地加上 “教师资格考评” , “留学生奖学金” 等子集; 还可以选择性地加上 “教师资格考评” , “留学生奖学金” 等子集; 把文章归属到不同子集中去, 最大化地呈现出来, 更能够方便感興趣者打开看看.

2. SEO优化: SEO(Search Engine Optimization)是一门独特的优化方法, 其思想是使得你的内容能够最大化地呈现出来 . SEO优化能够使得你内容易于理解并更易于Google/Baidu/Sogou/360 Search engine indexing and ranking your content higher in the search results page (SERP). SEO optimization includes optimizing title tags and meta descriptions for each page of your website to make sure that they are relevant to the keywords you want to target as well as making sure that all images have alt text so that they can be indexed by search engines properly. It also involves creating internal links between pages on your website so that visitors can easily navigate through them and find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

3. 大量使用Long Tail Keywords : Long tail keywords are phrases or words with three or more words in them which usually have lower competition levels than standard head terms but still generate a decent amount of traffic when used correctly . By using long tail keywords in your content you will be able to reach out to a wider audience who may not necessarily be searching for the same thing as everyone else is searching for but still need information related to it . This way you will be able to capture more leads from people who may not even know about your product or service yet but could potentially become customers if given enough information about it . Additionally using long tail keywords allows you to rank better in SERPs since these types of searches tend to have less competition compared with shorter keyword phrases which makes it easier for you get higher rankings without having too much effort put into link building activities etc..




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