创新互联,为您提供网站建设公司、重庆网站制作、网站营销推广、网站开发设计,对服务酒店设计等多个行业拥有丰富的网站建设及推广经验。创新互联网站建设公司成立于2013年,提供专业网站制作报价服务,我们深知市场的竞争激烈,认真对待每位客户,为客户提供赏心悦目的作品。 与客户共同发展进步,是我们永远的责任!
1. 内容优先:营销型网站以内容为核心,重视用户体验,注重文字表述及图片插图。通过有效的内容布局来吸引用户浏览并留存在网站上。
2. 简单明了的导航功能:营销型网站应该尽可能保持导航功能的直接性、易用性及便利性。不仅要使得用户在浏览时更方便快捷,而且也要使得用户在找到想要的信息时更加准确。
3. 新闻中心化:新闻中心是一个独特而有效的形式来吸引大量流量并将其带入到你想要他们去看的部分去。新闻中心化也是一个好方法来处理大量信息并将之集中于一处便于浏览者找到感兴趣内容。
4. 优化SEO: SEO(Search Engine Optimization)是一项有效营销已久, 营销型网站应该尤其注意SEO优化, 需要适当地使用Meta标签、H1/H2标签、Alt标签、URL命名及正文内容优化, 从而使得目标人士能够通过Google/Baidu/Yahoo! 等搜寻引擎找到你想告诉他们的信息;
5. 增加CTA (Call To Action): CTA (Call To Action) 是衡量一个web page 测试水准有效性最好方法之一, 要想将CTA 有效起作用, 需要遵循如”Keep it simple and direct” “Make sure the action is clear” “Be consistent with your message” 等原则;二、如何进行有效营销?
1. 增加Social Media Presence: Social media presence 是21st century marketing must-have item , 高度集中social media presence 和 engagement can help to build brand awareness and loyalty among target audience ;
2. Email Marketing : email marketing still remains one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers . It allows you to send personalized messages directly into their inboxes , which helps in building relationships with them ;
3. Content Marketing : content marketing is a great way for businesses to engage with their audiences by providing valuable information that they are interested in . This could be done through blog posts , videos or even podcasts ;
4. Paid Advertising : paid advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can help businesses reach more people quickly . It also allows them to target specific demographics based on age , gender or location ;
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