1. 忽略关键词优化。在做SEO时,很多人都忽视了关键词优化这一步,而它却是搜索引擎优化中最重要的一步。如果不能选取合适的关键词并将它们用到相应位置上去,就很难获得好的搜索引擎权重。因此,在做SEO之前必须对市场情况进行分析并拟定针对性的关键字方案。
2. 没有为站内文章加上标签或者Meta信息。标签是文章归属分类的依据,也是用户浏览资讯时所使用的工具之一; Meta信息可以带来大量流量, 也可以作为 SEO 的左右手, 进行多面向优化; 如不加上标签或者Meta信 息, 那么资讯将无法准备好 SEO 优化, 也就意味不能有效获得流量.
3. 站内URL不友好、不利于SEO。URL中应当避公特别字眼(如“&”)、避数字(0-9)、避特定字眼(如“index”)、使用中文间隔 (如"/") ; URL应当尽量使用相对低但有意义的单词作为URL各部分内容 , 而且要注意 URL 太过于夸张 , 未必能带来理想效益 .
4. 高度依赖Google Adwords广告而忽略seo工作。Google Adwords广告是一个快速生效而且易于使用的方法来吸引流量;然而Adwords广告代价昂贵而且难以保障永久性流量; 向 Google Adwords 投入大金额 , 虽然能够在 korte termijn een goede resultaten behalen , maar op langere termijn zou het niet rendabel zijn ; daarom is het belangrijk om ook aandacht te besteden aan SEO werkzaamheden en zo de organische verkeer naar je website te verhogen .
5. 忽當搜狗/360/神马三大中国独特SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION FACTORS (SOF). SOF factors are unique to Chinese search engines and can have an impact on the ranking of your site in these search engines; they include things like keyword density, page loading speed and user experience optimization etc.; if you ignore them when doing SEO for your new site then it will be difficult to get good rankings in these three major Chinese search engines .
6. 高度依赖Link Building & Social Media Marketing 而忽略On Page Optimization & Content Quality Improvement Work . Link building & social media marketing are important parts of any successful SEO campaign but they should not be relied upon too heavily as there are other equally important aspects such as on page optimization & content quality improvement work which need to be taken into consideration when optimizing a new website for better rankings in the SERPs ; neglecting these two areas could lead to poor results even with strong link building efforts or extensive social media campaigns .
7. Ignoring Mobile Friendly Design And Responsive Web Design Principles When Developing A New Site For Search Engine Optimization Purposes . With more and more people using mobile devices to access websites it is essential that any new sites developed for SEO purposes take into account mobile friendly design principles as well as responsive web design principles so that users can easily view the content regardless of what device they use ; failure to do this could mean missing out on potential traffic from mobile users who may find it difficult or impossible to view the content due to its lack of compatibility with their device type .
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