很多人认为只要网站在搜索引擎上能够较好的实现关键词排名就代表SEO优化工作做得不错,搜狗/360/Baidu 等中文引流平台也都能够显然地带来剩余测量;一、SEO优化误区
1. 关键词排名是唯一的衡量标准:很多人认为只要网站在搜索引擎上能够较好的实现关键词排名就代表SEO优化工作做得不错,但这是一个大误区。其实,SEO优化应当考虑到用户体验、内容价值、流量来源等因素,才能真正有效的带动用户对产品的使用。
2. SEO优化只是单方面文字信息: 也有人将SEO优化理解为只是单方面文字信息,并没有考虑到图片、声音、动态效果以及交互性等因素。然而这些都是必不可少的要素,如此才能真正意义上带助电子商务平台进行SEO优化工作。
3. SEO无法直接影响浏览量: 有人将SEO理解为无法直接影响浏览量, 这也是一个大误区, 因为通过各大引流平台(如Google Adwords) 组装出来的关键字集合能够显然地带来剩余测量, 搜狗/360/Baidu 等中文引流平台也都能够显然地带来剩余测量; 通过对公告核心内容+相关内容+周遭内容三者之间的有效融合, 从而使得去中心思想得到真正意义上的应用; 通过对竞价/PPC/CPC 等方式, 进行最大效益地利用; 通过对PR / SEM / SMM 等方式, 进行最大效益地利用.
4. SEO不依托于竞价: 本来竞价就是一门“生意” , 没有竞价 , SEO 压根就无法生存 . 不光 Google Adwords , 360 / Baidu / Sogou 竞价都要依托 ; 搜狗 PR (PageRank ) 也要依托 ; 多频道 + 多高度 + 多高通量 = 多高 ROI .
5. SEO不依托于Social Media Marketing : Social Media Marketing ( SMM ) 拿 Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Linkedin Pinterest Tumblr Reddit Quora Medium Digg Delicious StumbleUpon Diigo Scoopit Weibo WeChat QQ Zone Renren Douban Kaixin001 Zhihu Baidu Tieba Sina Weibo Youku Tudou Vimeo Flickr Foursquare Vine Periscope Snapchat WhatsApp Telegram Line Kik Tagged MeetMe Badoo VKontakte Odnoklassniki YY Meipai Momo Tinder Grindr Hike Tuenti Myspace Classmates Hi5 Friendster MyLife Bebo Habbo IMVU Second Life Gaia Online Club Penguin Habbo Hotel SmallWorlds Our World etc...etc..etc..etc....etc.....etc...... etc....... etc................. as examples of social media platforms that can be used for marketing purposes and to help with the optimization process of a website or blog in order to increase its visibility on search engines like Google Yahoo Bing Ask Jeeves AOL DuckDuckGo Wolfram Alpha Yandex Baidu Naver Daum Rambler Mailru Seznam and many more!
6. SEO不依托Content Marketing : Content marketing is an important part of any successful online business strategy because it helps you create valuable content that will attract potential customers and keep them coming back for more information about your products or services. Content marketing also helps you build relationships with your target audience by providing them with useful information they can use to make informed decisions about their purchases or other activities related to your business offerings
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