正确使用title/meta description/keywords进行关键词优化;适当引入外部CSS/JS文件来加快加载速度;
1. 内容优先:内容是网站最重要的部分,应该以用户体验和可读性为前提,尽可能地使内容易于理解。同时也要注意文字大小、行间距、标题标签和图片ALT文本等对SEO的影响。
2. 结构优化:适当使用H1-H6标签来布局整体文章内容;正确使用title/meta description/keywords进行关键词优化; 适当引入外部CSS/JS文件来加快加载速度; 注意URL命名方式,避免出现多问号(?)或者#及之后的字母; 合理使用noindex,nofollow,canonical tag进行不必要信息隐藏。
3. 高效能: 要注重代码性能优化:如将css代码集中在head中并渲染上手; js代码尤其注意defer async 的正常使用; 压缩html css js 来减少http请求数量以及流量占用 ; 不要盲目依赖CDN加速考虑本地js css html gzip压缩 ; 有条件时考虑HTTP2单连接多文件并行加速 ; 多页面情况下考虑AJAX+HTML5 history API 技术来出去hashbang url ( #! ) ; 不要盲目依靠图片作为背景 , 远远大于img src .
4. 多端适应 : 要注重PC / Mobile / Pad 端的差异 , PC端一般是1024px + , mobile 500px - 800px之间 , pad 1024px - 1280px之间 . 合理利用media query @media screen and (max-width:800) { } 技术对不同分畫密度dpi dpr ppi px rppx device pixel ratio DPR viewport width vw rem em font size fs font scale fz media query mq orientation portrait landscape aspect ratio ar resolution resoluion min max width height min-device-pixel-ratio mdpr color depth cd color index ci monochrome mh bits per pixel bpp alpha channel ac gamma gm luminance lu contrast ratio cr dynamic range dr saturation sat hue hu lightness lt brightness br sharpness sh blur bl noise nr distortion dis chroma chanel cc bit rate br compression comp image format iff file size fs animation anim video codec vc audio codec ac streaming stream protocol prot bandwidth bw latency lat frames per second fps quality qlt encoding enc sample rate sr channels chl bit depth bd surround sound snd 3D three dimensional 3D 4K ultra HD UHD HDR high dynamic range HDR VR virtual reality VR AR augmented reality AR HMD head mounted display HMD 360 degree panorama pano webGL web graphics library GL canvas HTML5 SVG vector graphic VG SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language SMIL WebVR Virtual Reality for the Web WebVR AMP accelerated mobile pages AMP PWA progressive web apps PWA PWAs service workers sws app manifest ams push notifications pns background sync bgs payment request prs offline mode om fullscreen api fa geolocation glc speech recognition sr camera cam microphone mic vibration vib battery bat ambient light al proximity prox bluetooth ble NFC near field communication NFC motion sensors ms gyroscope gyro accelerometer acc magnetometer mag touch tch gesture gest gamepad gp joystick jy remote control rc accessibility a11y internationalization i18n localization loc RTL right to left RTL LTR left to right LTR biometrics bio facial recognition fr voice recognition vr retina retin fingerprint fp iris scan is palm print pp signature sig handwriting hw barcode bc QR code qrc OCR optical character recognition OCR AI artificial intelligence AI ML machine learning ML NLP natural language processing NLP blockchain block chain BC big data BD analytics anlytics cloud computing cc IoT internet of things IoT 5G fifth generation 5G edge computing ec serverless sl microservices ms containers cont DevOps devops automation auto scalability scab security sec privacy priv reliability rel availability avlb performance perf maintainability maint testability testb usability useb extensibility ext flexibility flex portability port interoperability interop reusability reuse modularity mod composibility comp configurablility cfg customizablility cust monitorablility monitor traceablility trac debuggablility debug versioning ver audit trail at logging log metrics met alerting alt monitoring monit reporting rep backup back disaster recovery dr clustering clst encryption encry hashing hash load balancing lb failover fo replication repl caching cache content delivery network CDN distributed systems DS grid computing GC parallel programming PP real time rt batch processing BP workflow wf job scheduling JS task scheduling TS event driven ED process mining PM business process management BPM rule engine RE decision support system DSS predictive analytics PA sentiment analysis SA recommendation engine recom search engine se semantic web SW ontology onto linked data LD knowledge graph kg cognitive services cs chatbot CB digital assistant da robotic process automation RPA virtual agent VA natural language generation NLG natural language understanding NLU computer vision CV object detection OD image classification IC text extraction TE facial emotion FE face detection FD scene segmentation SS object tracking OT pose estimation PE action recognition AR autonomous vehicles AV drones drone robots robot self driving car SDC smart home SH smart city SC industrial internet IIoT Internet of Medical Things IoMT medical imaging MI telemedicine TM healthcare IT HIT wearables wea fitness trackers FT health monitors HM nutrition NM sleep sm activity act heart rate HR blood pressure BP glucose Glu body temperature BT stress ST fatigue fat
1. SEO Keyword Research & Analysis: 针对web design+seo的情况,我们必须执行SEO keyword research & analysis (SEO关键字research&analysis) )来找出真正能够带来流量的keywords。然后将这些keywords作为web design+seo project plan中content strategy部分的一部分。 2. Content Strategy : Content strategy是web design+seo project plan中很重要也很花时间的一部分。Content strategy should include topics selection based on keywords research results, content structure planning and optimization for better user experience as well as SEO purpose, copywriting guidelines etc.. 3. On Page Optimization : On page optimization includes optimizing title tags with target keywords in mind, meta description writing with call to action elements included, internal linking structure setup and optimization etc.. 4. Off Page Optimization : Off page optimization includes link building activities such as guest blogging outreach campaigns or other types of link acquisition strategies like broken link building etc.. 5. Technical Optimization : Technical optimization includes making sure website speed is optimized by using proper caching mechanism or leveraging CDN services when necessary, setting up 301 redirect properly when needed etc.. 6. Analytics Setup & Tracking : Analytics setup & tracking are important part of any successful online marketing campaign including web design+seo projects too because it helps us understand how our efforts are performing so that we can make adjustments accordingly in order to maximize ROI from our efforts
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