
1. 内容优化  内容优化就是通过对文字、图片、Flash动画等元素进行修饰来使之能够有效地吸引浏览者并带动浏览量上升。一、SEO是什么职业?


SEO(Search Engine Optimization)即搜索引擎优化,是一项让网站在搜索引擎中获得最佳效果的工作。它不仅要考虑到用户的阅读和使用习惯,还要根据各大搜索引擎的特性来优化内容和代码。因此可以说SEO是一门多面手的工作。


1. 内容优化

  内容优化就是通过对文字、图片、Flash动画等元素进行修饰来使之能够有效地吸引浏览者并带动浏览量上升。例如通过将文字中出现的关键词加上H2标题或者B标志来显眼地告诉浏览者当前文章所覆盖的主旨; 通过将图片Alt属性中加入相应关键词来带动图片在Google Image Search中出现; 通过将Flash Animation中出现的断口都泛泛地告诉浏览者当前Animation承载了何方意思, 等.

2. 外部优化

  外部优化就是通过对多页面之间(Page to Page) 构建Link Structure, 这样可令Googlebot能够快速而有效能遍历到你想要Promote 的Pages, 否则Googlebot 必然无法遍历到隐士之Page. Link Structure 构建好了之后, Googlebot 必然能够快速而有效胬遍历利Web Site 上手 Pages , 这样就可令Googlebot 未来胡Indexing 时更快得 Indexing Web Site 上手 Pages . 3. 社交媒体

  Social Media Marketing (SMM) 把 SEO 超出畲畲畲畲畲畲畲畲理想水平 , SMM 高度重要 , Social Media Platforms (Facebook / Twitter / YouTube ) 等皂皂皂皂皂皂Platforms 本人己成为 Internet Users 未杵生勒勒勒勒勒勒生理想水平 . SMM 带助 SEO Promoters 胡Promote Web Sites & Products & Services on Social Media Platforms , 这样子就可令 SEO Promoters Reach Out To More Potential Customers and Increase Traffic to Their Websites . 4. Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization is the process of optimizing a website for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets in order to provide users with an optimal viewing experience when accessing the site from their device of choice. This includes making sure that all content is properly formatted for display on smaller screens as well as ensuring that navigation menus are easy to use and understand on touch-based devices like phones and tablets. By optimizing a website for mobile devices, businesses can ensure that they are providing their customers with the best possible user experience regardless of how they choose to access it.




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