Free and Open Source: A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Linux 7.0 English Version
In a world where software licensing fees can be costly, the avlability of free and open source software has become increasingly appealing to individuals and businesses alike. One such option is Linux, a versatile operating system that has gned significant popularity in recent years. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive installation guide for Linux 7.0 English version, entirely free and open source.
1. Pre-Installation Preparation
Before we get started with the actual installation process, there are several things we need to do to prepare:
a. Get a copy of the Linux 7.0 English version installation file. This can be downloaded from a variety of online sources.
b. Create a bootable USB drive or DVD from the installation file. This can be done using software such as Rufus, UNetbootin or Etcher.
c. Ensure that your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements for the Linux 7.0 English version. These include a 1 GHZ processor, 1 GB RAM, 20 GB of free storage, and a DVD-ROM or USB port to boot from.
d. Back up any important data on the computer before beginning the installation process.
2. Booting from the USB or DVD
Once the preparation is complete, we can now begin the actual installation process. Start by inserting the bootable USB or DVD into the computer and restarting.
During the boot-up process, a menu will appear that allows us to select the device from which to boot. Choose the USB or DVD that contns the Linux 7.0 English version installation file.
3. Selecting the Installation Type
After the boot-up process completes, a screen will appear with several options. Select “Install” to begin the installation wizard.
The first step in the wizard will prompt you to select the installation type. There are two options avlable – “Graphical Installation” and “Text Installation.” Choose the graphical installation to proceed with a user-friendly installation interface.
4. Configuring Language and Keyboard Settings
The next screen will allow you to select the language and keyboard settings for the installation process. Choose “English” for both settings, unless you prefer a different language.
5. Storage Configuration
The storage configuration screen will allow you to choose how you wish to install Linux. There are several options avlable:
a. Install Linux alongside an existing operating system
b. Replace the existing operating system with Linux
c. Use the entire disk for Linux
Choose the option that best suits your needs, bearing in mind that selecting option b or c will erase all data on the hard drive.
6. Creating the User Account
After the storage configuration, you will be prompted to create a new user account with a username and password. Ensure that you choose a secure password that meets the system requirements.
7. Installation Progress
Once you have configured all the required settings, the installation process will begin. You can monitor the progress on the installation progress screen, and the installation may take up to 30 minutes depending on your system hardware.
8. Final Configuration and Rebooting
Once the installation completes, you will be prompted to configure some final settings, including configuring the date and time, and selecting any additional software packages you wish to install. Once you finish configuring these settings, choose “Finish” to complete the installation process.
The computer will then reboot, and the newly installed Linux 7.0 English version operating system will be ready to use.
This comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach to install Linux 7.0 English version, a completely free and open source operating system. The installation process is simple and user-friendly, requiring minimal technical knowledge. By following this guide, you can experience the benefits of a versatile and cost-effective operating system.
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将OpenvSwitch安装在Ubuntu或Debian上 虽然OVS以程序包的方式出现在Ubuntu或Debian上,但我在此还是通过源代码来构建OVS,这将拥有最新的功能特性和修正版。 首先,安装用于构建OVS的依赖项。 $sudoapt-getinstallbuild-essentiallibssl-devlinux-headers-$(uname-r)通过源代码来构建OVS,如下所示。下列步骤将构建OVS内核模块以及OVS用户空间工具。 $wgethttp//openvswitchorg/releases/openvswitch-1.9.3.tar.gz$tarxvfvzopenvswitch-1.9.3.tar.gz$cdopenvswitch-1.9.3$./configure–with-linux=/lib/modules/`uname-r`/build$make接下来,继续在/usr/local/share/下安装OVS用户空间组件: $sudomakeinstall下一步是,测试OVS内核模块(安装该模块之前)。为此氏和,先在内核中装入内核模块。伍野 $sudoinod./datapath/linux/openvswitch.ko证实OVS内核模块已成功装入。 $lodgrepopenvswitchopenvswitch979340一旦你证实openvswitch.ko已成功装入到内核中,继续安装内核模块,如下所示。 $sudomakemodules_install配置和启动OpenvSwitch 创建一个框架式OVS配置数据库。 $sudomkdir/etc/openvswitch$sudoovsdb-toolcreate/etc/openvswitch/conf.db./vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema启动OVS数据库服务器。 $sudoovsdb-server–remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock-remote=db:Open_vSwitch,manager_options–pidfile–detachOVS配置数据库初始化。 $sudoovs-vsctl–no-waitinit最后,启动OVS守护程序。 $sudoovs-vswitchd–pidfile–detach将KVM安装在Ubuntu或Debian上 使用apt-get命令,安装KVM和必要的用户空间工具。 $sudoapt-getinstallqemu-kvmlibvirt-binbridge-utilsvirt-manager将一个普通的非根用户(如alice)添加到libvirtd群组,那样该用户不需要根用户权限,就能启动虚拟机。 $sudoadduseralicelibvirtd退出,重新以该用户身份登录,让群组成员的变更生效。 运行下面这个命令。如果你看到空空如也的虚拟机列表,这意味着KVM已成功设置完毕。 $virsh- 现在是时候创建OVS网桥启动脚本了,那样启动或终止虚拟机时,OVS就能自动配置。 安装依赖项(用户模式Linux实用工具),这腔核喊些依赖项将用于处理Linux网桥模式。 $sudoapt-getinstalluml-utilities创建网桥启动脚本,如下所示。 $sudovi/etc/openvswitch/ovs-ifup#!/bin/shswitch=’br0’/in/ifconfig$${switch}$1$sudovi/etc/openvswitch/ovs-ifdown#!/bin/shswitch=’br0’/in/ifconfig$${switch}$1$sudochmod+x/etc/openvswitch/ovs-if*然后,创建一个默认的网桥br0,并添加一个物理网络接口,虚拟机将通过这个接口与外部网络进行联系。在该教程中,我假设这类网络接口是eth5。 $sudoovs-vsctladd-brbr0$sudoovs-vsctladd-portbr0eth5借助KVM启动虚拟机 现在你可以准备启动访客虚拟机了。 我假设,你已经准备好了一个访客虚拟机映像(比如ubuntu-client.img)。使用下面这个命令,启动访客虚拟机。 $sudokvm-m1024-netnic,macaddr=11:11:11:EE:EE:EE-nettap,script=/etc/openvswitch/ovs-ifup,downscript=/etc/openvswitch/ovs-ifdown-vnc:1-drivefile=/home/dev/images/ubuntu-client.img,boot=on这会创建并启动一个访客虚拟机;一旦访客虚拟机启动,其虚拟接口就自动添加到OVS网桥br0。 你可以使用ovs-vsctl这个命令,核实OVS的状态 这是已启动的虚拟机的远程桌面会话。
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