Sending mail on a linux system is a process that is surprisingly simple, but unfortunately some people do not take the time to understand the process. For this article, I will be demonstrating the process of sending an email from the command line, but it is also possible to do this through a graphical mail program.
The first step to sending a mail from the command line is to install a mail client. There are many programs available, including his, msmtp, and postfix. For this demonstration, I will be using sendmail. It can be installed through the package manager of most distributions.
Once sendmail is installed, You need to configure it to send emails. You will need to edit the sendmail configuration file, usually located at /etc/mail/ You will need to set the SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server settings, such as the hostname, port number, authentication settings and encryption.
Once the configuration is complete, all that is left is to send the email. To do this, you simply need to use the ‘sendmail’ command followed by the desired recipient. For example, if you want to send an email to, you would type:
配置完成后,剩下的就是发送电子邮件了。要做到这一点,您只需要使用“ sendmail”命令,然后跟上期望的收件人。例如,如果您要发送一封电子邮件给,您将键入:
When the command is run, you will be prompted to enter the email message. You can use the editor of your choice, or simply type the message directly into the command line. When you are finished, simply type `.` on a blank line to indicate the message is complete.
That’s all there is to it! Sending mail on Linux is a quick and easy process once you understand the basics. If you are having any trouble, make sure that your mail client is configured correctly and that you have verified the settings.
文章标题:在Linux上快速发送本地邮件(linux 发送本地邮件)
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