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Recently, coding is a trend in the world. Many of us who are new to coding are sure to have encountered many problems. Today, let’s talk about Redis and learn how to configure a time point in the past.
Redis is an open source system that supports a data structure server and ms to provide a distributed, high performance, reliable service. It is mnly used as an integral part of a database, but if you do not have database knowledge or installation rights, there is a great way to use Redis to make our own kit.
We may encounter such a problem in our dly development: How to set the time point in the past to control the validity period of our database data. This can be easily achieved with Redis. Before setting up our Redis system, we need to install the Redis package on our computer, which can be completed with a few simple steps:
1.Open the official website of Redis and download the relevant version.
这里2.Unzip the decompression file and enter it in the command line.
3.Execute the Makefile in the directory by executing “make” in the command line
4.Execute “src/redis-server” to start Redis.
Now, let’s talk about how to set up the time points in the past by using the Redis package we just installed.
First, you need to connect to the Redis server. You can use the Redis command line or a third-party library to connect to the Redis server.
In the 下command line, enter the following command line:
Redis CLIENT SETEX key seconds value
The second parameter of the command is the expiration time, which is calculated in seconds. For example, if you want to set the expiration time to a time point in the past, you can set the parameter to -1. This will set the expiration time of the key to the current time minus 1 second.
So, the full command to set the expiration time to a time point in the past would be:
Redis CLIENT SETEX key -1 value
After executing the command, the data in the Redis server will be expired and no longer be avlable.
In conclusion, with the Redis package, we successfully learned how to set the expiration time of the key data to a time point in the past. We believe that this method can greatly simplify our code complexity, improve the efficiency of our development, and reduce the trouble of manual operation.
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