1. 网站优化是提高网站质量和排名,以及实现目标的有效手段。
2. 通过正确的SEO优化,可以使网站在搜索引擎中较好地显示出来,并且能够带来大量流量。
3. 因此,对于想要成功运营一个公司或者品牌的人而言,SEO优化是不可或缺的一部分。二、增加外链常用方法
1. 添加文字链接: 在文字中通过HTML代码将关键词链接到你想要引导用户去往的目标URL上;
2. 添加图片/图形/Logo 链接: 在图片上通过HTML代码将关键词链接到你想要引导用户去往的目标URL上;
3. 进行内容协作: 邀请其他博客作者在你博客上写文章,并把他们写好之后留下一个新闻条目,然后就能够看到有多高PR(PageRank) 站出来;
4. 进行信誉度交流: 利用QQ、MSN、Skype 等已有信誉度很好的IM工具,扩大影响力,也能够带来不少流量; 5. 进行Blog Commenting : Blog commenting 意味者在blog post comment section留下comment ,然后link back to your website ; 6 . Forum Posting : Forum posting意味者在forum post reply section留下reply ,然后link back to your website ; 7 . Social Bookmarking : Social bookmarking意味者bookmark the page you want link back to your website on social bookmark sites like Digg and Delicious etc.; 8 . Article Submission : Article submission意味者submit articles with links pointing back to your site in article directories such as EzineArticles and GoArticles etc.; 9 . Press Release Distribution : Press release distribution意味者distribute press releases with links pointing back to your site in press release websites such as PRWeb and PRNewswire etc.; 10 . Video Promotion & Submission : Video promotion & submission意味者promote videos with links pointing back to your site in video sharing websites such as YouTube and Vimeo etc.. 11 . Directory Submissions : Directory submissions意味者submit directory listings with links pointing back to your site in web directories such as Yahoo! Directory and DMOZ etc.. 12 . RSS Feeds Syndication & Submissions :RSS feeds syndication & submissions 意味者syndicate RSS feeds of content from other sources that include a linkback or trackback URL for each item published on the feed.. 13 .. Link Exchange Programs :Link exchange programs are another way of getting quality incoming links by exchanging reciprocal links between two websites.. 14 .. Paid Links :Paid Links are also an option if you have some budget available for buying high-quality incominglinks from reputable sources.. 15 .. Local Search Engine Optimization (Local SEO) :Local search engine optimization is a great way of optimizing local businesses‘ online presence by targeting specific geographic areas through localized keywords, content creation, citations buildingand more... 16 .. Mobile SEO :Mobile SEO is becoming increasingly important due its growing popularity among mobile users who use their smartphones or tablets for searching information online... 17 .. International SEO (Multi-Languages Sites) :International SEO involves optimizing multi-language sites so they can be easily found by people speaking different languages around the world.... 18 ... Voice Search Optimization (VSO): Voice search optimization is about optimizing content so it can be easily found when people use voice commands instead of typing words into a search box.... 19 .... Structured Data Markup / Schema Markup / Rich Snippets: Structured data markup helps search engines understand what kind of information is contained within a webpage better than before which leads them displaying rich snippets nextto organic results..... 20 ...... Image Optimization / Alt Tags / Image Sitemaps: Image optimization involves using alt tags properly alongwith creating image sitemaps that help crawlers index images faster...... 21 ....... Internal Link Building Strategies: Internal link building strategies involve linking related pages together internally within one's own website....... 22 ........ Content Marketing Strategies Content marketing strategies involve creating valuable content that attracts visitors organically without having topay for advertising........ 23 .......... Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Conversion rate optimization focuses on improving user experienceon one's own website so visitors stay longer and convert more often......... 24 ........... User Experience Design (UXD): User experience design focuses on making sure visitors find what they're lookingfor quickly while navigating through one's own website................ 25 .............. Site Speed Improvement Techniques Site speed improvement techniques focus on reducing loading timesof webpages........................ 26 .................... Website Security Practices Website security practices involve implementing measures designedto protect sensitive data stored within one's own server........................ 27 ...................... Accessibility Testing Accessibility testing ensures all users regardless of physicaldisabilities can access all features offered by one's own websitewithout any problems................................ 28 ......................... A/B Testing A/B testing allows comparing two versionsof a webpage against each other in order tounderstand which version performs better................................ 29 ......................... Analytics Setup Setting up analytics correctly will allow tracking visitor behavioron one's own websiteto gain insights into how well certain elements perform................................ 30 ......................... Reporting Generating reports regularly will help keep trackof progress made over time towards achieving desired goals
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