多媒体文件如Flash、JavaScript 等都是不利于 SEO 的因子之一. Flash 无法直接读取文字信息:一、引言
1. 广告代理: 这是一个很常见的问题, 广告代理将根据客户要求, 把广告内容加到相应的web 页上, 甚至可能出现在原始内容之前. 虽然这样能够保证广告显眼, 但也会造成无意义冗余信息, 如此便无法使得web 页有效地表明原始内容.
2. 多媒体文件: 多媒体文件如Flash、JavaScript 等都是不利于 SEO 的因子之一. Flash 无法直接读取文字信息; JavaScript 本来就是动态生成 HTML 页面, 没有固定风格; 而 Java Applet 则不能够直接显示出来. 三者都无法使得 web 页中出现重要关键字信息.
3. Meta Tag: Meta Tag 是 HTML/XHTML 等 Web Markup Language (WML) 中所使用到的 meta-information tag , 如 title tag , description tag , keyword tag . 虽然 meta-information tags 本来就是 SEO 的重要工具之一, 但如今却有人将 meta-information tags 滥用作为 spamming tool .
4. Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP): REP 是 robots exclusion protocol 的畫龍閣般(robots txt) , robots txt file is a text file that contains instructions for search engine spiders on how to crawl and index the website's content . It can be used to block certain pages from being indexed by search engines or even prevent them from crawling the entire site altogether . However , if not properly configured it can lead to serious problems with your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
5. Cloaking : Cloaking is a technique used by some websites to present different content or URLs to human users and search engines . This practice is considered unethical as it attempts to deceive both users and search engines into believing that they are viewing different content than what actually exists on the page . As such , cloaking should be avoided at all costs when optimizing a website for better rankings in SERPs . 6 Link Farms : Link farms are networks of websites created solely for the purpose of exchanging links between each other in order to artificially inflate their link popularity scores within major search engines like Google and Yahoo! While this may seem like an effective way of increasing your website's visibility in SERPs initially , it will eventually result in severe penalties imposed by these same search engines once they detect such activities taking place on your site . 7 Doorway Pages : Doorway pages are webpages designed specifically for ranking high within SERPs but which offer little value or relevance once visitors arrive at them from those same searches . These types of pages often contain hidden text or links which direct visitors away from the doorway page towards another destination without their knowledge ; thus making them highly ineffective as far as providing any real benefit goes when attempting SEO optimization efforts on a given website
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