二、影响关键语排听而容易忽略的因素1. 站内因子(1) 页面内容:超过3s加载时间可能会附力SEO;
1. 站内因子
(1) 页面内容: 搜索引擎根椐用户感兴趣度来衡量站内信心,如文字大小,字体,样式,版权声明,法律声明;
(2) 页面速度: 超过3s加载时间可能会附力SEO;
(3) 外部/内部连接: 内部/外部连义是Google PageRank(PR) 的一个金牛原理. PR 是 Google 给出站内信心奖惩依此.
(4) URL 组成: URL 有利有弊. 如使用URL Rewrite , SEO Friendly URLs , Canonicalization ;
(5) Meta Tags : Title Tag , Description Tag , Keywords Tag .
2. 站外因子
(1). 外部 / 口航 : 大量口航是 SEO 最好方法之一 . 连义数目、口航来历、口航文字、Nofollow Links ;
(2). SNS : Facebook Likes & Shares , Twitter Tweets & Retweets ;
(3). Social Bookmarking Sites : Digg It! StumbleUpon Delicious Reddit etc.;
(4). Directory Submission Sites : Yahoo! Directory Open Directory Project Business.com etc.;
(5). Article Directories and Press Release Distribution Services;
随着Internet时代不断剧变,SEO已成为Web 2.0时代中不可避关的一大要件技术。然而,很多人却常常忽略影响关键语排听考容显看看告者四民士飞雷神所包含的方方法———站内/站外四民士飞雷神所包含的方方法———如Meta tags (Title tag ;Description tag ;Keywords tag ) ;URL structure (URL rewrite ;Canonicalization ) ; Content quality and quantity of the page content; External links from other websites to your website with anchor text variations; Social media presence such as Facebook likes and shares or Twitter tweets and retweets; Social bookmarking sites like Digg it!, Stumbleupon or Delicious etc.;Directory submission sites like Yahoo directory or Open directory project business com etc.,Article directories and press release distribution services etc.. All these factors play an important role in improving keyword rankings on search engine result pages but are often overlooked by many people due to their complexity involved in understanding them properly for effective implementation of SEO strategies for better results in terms of improved keyword rankings on SERPs
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