



1. 内容优化

(1) 标题标签的使用。在搜索引擎中显示的内容是以标题为重要依据之一,因此应该尽量利用好H1-H6这些标准HTML代表性元数据来对新闻或者博客文章进行有效的分隔和归并。

(2) 适当使用Meta信息。Meta信心能够带来很大帮助,如通过description meta tag可以向Google告诉你想要将你的内容作为search engine result page (SERP)上显示出来时所看到的部分;而keywords meta tag也能够起作由Google去理解你想要将特定页面相关性最弱或者最強之意义,然后在不同query search时搜集相应page rank.

2. 站内导航优化

(1). 连通性: 地图/sitemap/breadcrumb navigation bar都是很能够带劲site structure and content organization 的已字海中扬声催人奋进之航舵;

(2). 时效: 本webmaster应该就navigation bar design考虑time efficiency factor ,避免user click too many times to reach the target page or information they want .

3. URL & Linking Structure Optimization      《URL&Linking Structure Optimization is one of the most important SEO techniques for webmasters to consider when optimizing their websites for better SERPs ranking in Google and other major search engines like Yahoo! And Bing etc.. The main purpose of this technique is to make sure that all URLs are properly structured so that it can be easily crawled by bots from different search engines as well as users who visit your website directly without any difficulty whatsoever . In addition , proper linking structure also helps you get more backlinks which will eventually help you improve your overall rankings on these popular search engines . Here are some tips on how you can optimize your URL & Linking Structures : 】 (a)Use descriptive words in URLs instead of numbers or symbols ; (b)Make sure all internal links use absolute paths rather than relative ones ; (c ) Use keyword rich anchor text whenever possible while creating external links ; ﴿d ) Avoid using long strings with multiple parameters in a single link if not necessary ; e ) Make sure there’s no broken link within the website by regularly checking them out manually or through automated tools such as Xenu's Link Sleuth etc.. f ). Try to keep each individual webpage under 100KB size limit including images, videos and other multimedia elements if possible.; g ). Always try to minimize redirections wherever applicable since it may slow down loading time significantly.; h ). Keep track of 404 errors pages frequently so that visitors don't end up landing at dead ends due lack of proper redirection setup.; i .) Utilize canonical tags where appropriate especially when dealing with duplicate contents issues across multiple domains / subdomains / directories etc .. j.) Finally , always remember about robots txt file which should be used carefully depending upon specific requirements related crawling activities from various bots belonging different SEs like Googlebot , MSNBot et al ..




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